Losers Talk About Victory and Supporting the Troops
by Rob Kall
There are the white men-- the Stupid White Men that Michael Moore described in his book of the same name-- southern rednecks, National Rifle Association loyalists who take the war and George Bush personally. I've always felt that these guys have used DUbya's swagger and the whole "kick the Iraqi's asses" mentality as a vicarious viagra-- a way to feel more masculine. Rooting for the troops is like rooting for a favorite football team.
The sad thing is, these people, these losers and loser supporters-- the bulk of those who make up the remaining 30% who support Bush-- don't give a rat's ass about the troops. They care about blocking the Democratic position. They care about supporting the Republican, right wing position, because it is tied to their own personal issues. The most pathetic are the stupid white men and NRA supporters. They think they are patriotic. They think they are doing what is best for the troops. They are as "brilliant" as the military sycophants who have survived Bush's purges of reality oriented generals.
Glen Beck is a great example of what the Democrats avoiding de-funding the war are afraid of.
But it is really easy to debunk his hysterical, dishonest, incredibly twisted claims. Matter of fact, by debunking them, and stating the truth, one can create a statement that is equally passionate-- which indicts the right wingers who continue to support this war.
Any congressman who gives George Bush more money to fund keeping the troops in Iraq is personally responsiblie for the deaths of every soldier, the lost the limbs, lost eyes, the maiming of every soldier sent back to Walter Reed. Every member of congress who votes to fund Bush's war is throwing good money after bad, creating tens of thousands more soldiers coming home with the painful, family destroying post traumatic stress disorder. Any member of congress who supports Bush's war is pandering to the extremist fundamentalists, and extremist right wingers.
It's time for the Democrats to get tough and hit back hard. They have the facts and the truth to stand upon. The opposition has spin. Truth should win over spin. But it will take courage, leadership and determination to make it so. The Democratic presidential candidates should be the ones who lead this battle. Those who fail to have the courage and leadership abilities deserve to lose. Those who embrace this opportunity to do the right thing, in the face of ugly Republican spin will reap the success they deserve.