Clovis Steele (Globe, March 11th) lectures the “peaceniks” that “freedom wasn’t won by peace.” Does every bomb that is dropped compare with colonists fighting the British in a glorious struggle for freedom? Does it not matter what you are killing for, how, and against whom or does dropping bombs on random foreigners count as patriotism?
The idea that we are fighting for “freedom” in Iraq is delusional. Sadam has not affected our freedom one bit, before or after our officials went shaking his hand. He did not restrict any of our liberties before or after our government couldn’t muster the will to pass even sanctions when he gassed his own people.
Rarely is aggression of any sort appropriate, effective, or wise. As Clovis attempts to label all those wise enough to wish to stop senseless and ineffective acts of violence as “communists” let him remember that as the German people were so worried about communists burning down their parliament that they soon had boots of another color marching through the street. I assure him that the greatest threat to our freedom comes from those of our own citizens who dress tyranny, oppression, and dumb acts of violence in the cloak of nationalism.
Submitted to the Joplin Globe, 03/11/2007.