Listen to Mr Greenspan - there's nothing so fragile as a bubble
William Keegan
Sunday March 11, 2007
The Observer
After the January World Economic Forum I expressed some concern about the remarkable optimism - nay, complacency - manifested there about the course of the world economy. Earlier in the month I had quoted Herb Stein, an adviser to President Nixon in the 1970s (on economics, not burglary or cover-up). The quotation was: 'If something can't go on forever, it will probably stop.'
An alert reader challenged the 'probably' (which originated via an American economist 'correcting' Professor Wynne Godley, who had used the quotation without 'probably'), and sent me an article written by Stein himself, in which 'probably' does not appear, and 'cannot' (rather than 'can't') does.
You pays your money and you takes your choice. It often happens with famous quotations. Incidentally, Stein quotes Nixon as having once said: 'Honesty may not be the best policy, but is worth trying once in a while.' That may explain quite a lot. Anyway, Stein tells us that 'Stein's Law' was first pronounced in the 1980s, and elaborates thus: 'This proposition, arising first in a discussion of the balance-of-payments deficit, is a response to those who think that if something cannot go on forever, steps must be taken to stop it - even to stop it at once.'
The implication, I take it, is that policymakers don't necessarily have to do anything about what will stop anyway. One does not know whether former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan had this in mind when saying last week about the so-called 'carry trade' (the huge amounts of money converted from yen to other currencies to take advantage of differentials between interest rates, which have driven the yen down and made Japanese exports more competitive than ever) that 'at some point it's got to turn'. But recent shenanigans in the financial markets seem to indicate that riskier investments are not as popular as they were.
A vogue phrase among financial regulators has been 'the underpricing of risk'. The convenient reaction to recent upheavals in the financial markets is that there has been a 'healthy and necessary correction'. Has been? All over? One wonders. The problem with the modern phenomenon whereby it is assumed that the central banks will always bail the system out is that there is an inherent bias in favour of bubbles and the traditional excesses of capitalism. There is an uneasy feeling in the air that all is not quite right. ......(more)
The complete piece is at:,,2031016,00.html