's Conviction Cold Comfort for a Nation Headed By Criminals
by Bill Gallagher | Mar 13 2007
DETROIT -- All the media frenzy about pardoning Scooter Libby is missing a broader issue. Many others in the Bush administration are in need of pardons, and for far more serious crimes. They'll get pardons or head to Canada begging for asylum.
Scooter was caught lying and obstructing justice to protect his boss, Vice President Dick Cheney. It's as simple as that. Cheney ordered the hit on former ambassador Joe Wilson because he dared to speak the truth about the lies used to sell the war in Iraq.
For a political thug like Cheney, Libby taking the fall for him is business as usual. Libby will never spend a single night in prison because President George W. Bush will pardon him right after his sentencing.
There will be howls that the move is aimed at buying Libby's continued silence, but frankly, folks, Bush doesn't give a damn. His failed presidency cannot lose any more support.
The partisans and fools sticking with him -- about 30 percent of the nation -- represent a base that reason and reality will never budge. Forget about them. They are lost political souls, civic lepers condemned forever to dwell in the limbo of lies Bush has wrought.
Cheney has repeatedly abused the power of his office, claiming nonexistent authority and trampling on the Constitution. His serial lies in the runup to the invasion of Iraq merit impeachment and criminal charges. He is a war criminal.