But the one thing he leaves out is the bipartisan support for the rightwing Bushite corporate takeover of our election system, with VERY EXPENSIVE electronic voting machines run on 'TRADE SECRET,' PROPRIETARY programming code--code so secret that not even our secretaries of state are permitted to review it; code so secret that, even in the case of the FL-13 election, where 18,000 Democratic votes were 'disappeared,' in an election decided by some 300 votes (guess who "won"?), the corporation, ES&S, can successfully argue, in a lower court, that ES&S's right to PROFIT from our election system trumps the voters' right to know how their votes were counted (or not counted). Explain our Democratic Party leaders' mind-boggling silence on who owns and controls our election system. It seems to be a taboo subject. And as reward for their malfeasance, the current Democratic leadership in Congress intends to lard billions more taxpayer dollars on the very corporations that should be ridden out of town on a rail--Diebold, ES&S and brethren--to "fix" the election system that they deliberately broke--with computer "upgrades," printers, "patches," and all sorts of new doohickeys, as well as on-going and highly lucrative "maintenance."
Why don't we just COUNT THE VOTES, hm-m?
They want to keep their VERY EXPENSIVE machines, fine. Give us a 100% hand-count of paper ballots, with the results posted BEFORE any electronics are involved, and they use their VERY EXPENSIVE machines for date storage and reporting. No careers ruined. No embarrassed politicians. The lavish lobbying and the payoffs can remain quiet. Just give us transparent vote counting, please! Pretty please!