DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) -- An Iowa Democrat and member of a prominent pro-Israel lobbying group is calling on Sen. Barack Obama to clarify sympathetic comments he made about Palestinians during his trip to Iowa last weekend.
David Adelman on Tuesday wrote a letter to Obama calling the comment "deeply troubling" and asking Obama to clarify his comments. Adelman is a member of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, which lobbies in support of a strong relationship between the United States and Israel, and the Greater Des Moines Jewish Federation.
Tommy Vietor, a spokesman for Obama, said the senator's comments were consistent with his previous statements. Vietor noted that Obama spoke at an AIPAC event earlier this month in Chicago.
"Senator Obama has always said that the security of Israel should be America's starting point in the Middle East," Vietor said. "As he stated in his speech (at AIPAC) and again in Iowa, he also believes that in the end, the Palestinian people are suffering from the Hamas-led government's refusal to renounce terrorism and join as a real partner in the peace process."