If this war is not ended, my son says, “We will need more grave stones”
By Mary MacElveen and Christopher MacElveen
March 15, 2007
Our children cry out in so many ways and I wonder if we are hearing them. I wonder if those in Washington, D.C. can hear them as well. It is often said, “When children speak off times come gems.” Each message coming from them is to be treasured above everything else. They are our future and our hope.
Our children are rarely if ever given a chance to express themselves in this society and it begs the question if we are still abiding by the belief, “Children should be seen but not heard.”
During my son’s fifteen years of life hear on this planet, I have always taken time to listen to what he has to say. I do that with my daughter as well who is slightly older than he is. But, it has been my son who is more engaged with what the world is going through and I do have age appropriate discussions with him. He has so many concerns and that is where I say to him as a parent, “Let the adults handle it” To the adults across this nation especially in Washington, D.C., we have to do better by our children.
As I have discussed many issues with my son, I wonder if other parents out there are trying to discuss the terror filled war that surrounds our children. There is no hiding it from them even if the media does not cover it to our satisfaction. They have seen a soldier’s pain on any given news show and on the front covers of every major newspaper and they are paying attention. They have seen images of war torn Iraq and they are paying attention to it all and soaking it up like sponges.
How they express their concern can either be positive or negative. It is our job as parents, guardians, teachers, the clergy and many others to help them understand this volatile world. If Washington, D.C. will not help them, we must step up to the plate.
Tonight being like many others, my son was busy on the computer playing a game after doing his homework and at one point he heard me clap and came out to see what was going on. I was watching Countdown with Keith Olbermann and cheered as Senator Joe Biden made his thunderous speech concerning the war. It was explosive and expressed the outrage that I think many are feeling. Should you wish to view it, it is on the CrooksAndLiars.com web site. Normally, I would link the feed as I have done with others, but in this case I choose to showcase another feed.
Shortly after Countdown was over with, my son said, “Mom, I made a video and would you like to watch it?” So, I followed him to his room and was simply amazed to see a gifted message come from him which powerfully expressed his feelings as he produced his first video. As I watched it, I broke down in tears knowing that my son gets it and I wonder why our elected officials are not getting it.
After watching it, I gave him so many hugs and kisses. My little baby had become my hero. Of course he would not like me calling him that, but I am the proudest mom tonight.
Without further a due, I wish to showcase his video titled War. Its producer is my son Christopher MacElveen. I hope that his video does find its way to those who have the power to end this war sooner rather than later or as my son said, “We will need more grave stones.”
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=385&topic_id=19453 Author’s note: Please spread his feed far and wide since he too wanted to send a message to us all. As always, please feel free to email me at xmjmac@optonline.net