By ANNE FLAHERTY, Associated Press Writer
45 minutes ago
WASHINGTON - Four years into the Iraq war, about the only thing that has not changed is President Bush's insistence the fight can be won.
With more than 3,200 U.S. troops dead and still no clear way out, the political landscape could not be more different.
Public support for the war has fallen to its lowest levels. Republicans have lost control of Congress because of voters' angst over the conflict. Even the president has acknowledged the tactical approach to the war must change.
The debate on whether to launch a pre-emptive attack against a nation has given way to this question: How soon should U.S. troops leave?
"The war that we the Congress authorized the president to engage in is different than the one we're in today," acknowledged GOP Rep. C.W. Bill Young (news, bio, voting record) of Florida, an ardent Bush supporter whose seat Democrats are targeting in the 2008 elections.