Poll: Most Iraqis live in fear of violence 4 years after invasion
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By Susan Page, USA TODAY
Four years after the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, nearly 9 of 10 Iraqis say they live in fear that the violence ravaging their country will strike themselves and the people with whom they live.
Just 5% say they worry "hardly at all" about the safety of those in their household.
The findings are part of a survey of Iraqi public opinion sponsored jointly by USA TODAY, ABC News, the British Broadcasting Corp. and ARD, a German TV network. The full results from face-to-face interviews with 2,212. Iraqis from Feb. 25 to March 5. will be released Monday.
While some parts of the country have seen more violence than others, almost no one feels exempt from the war's toll.
"There is no life at all," Solaf Mohamed Ali, 38, a Shiite woman who works in a bank. USA TODAY interviewed Ali and other Baghdad residents to supplement the poll findings. "We are eating, drinking and sleeping like animals, but animals are lucky because they are not scared all the time like we are. They don't think that they might be killed at any moment, so I think even the animals are much happier than us."