Will Replace Alberto Gonzales?
John Nichols
It is too bad that former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson made such a big deal last week about how he was considering a run for the Republican presidential nomination.
If Thompson, a lawyer who served as served as co-chief counsel to the Senate Watergate Committee and now plays a big-city prosecutor on the NBC television series Law & Order, was not so busy positioning himself for the presidency, he could have added another line to his resume: Attorney General of the United States.
In Washington, where the discussion about Alberto Gonzales' removal has moved from "if" to "when" speculation, the talk is already turning to the question of who will take over for the scandal-plagued Attorney General. Gonzales is in such deep trouble for lying to the Senate that even Republican loyalists are starting to give up on the prospect that he can survive the scrutiny that is coming his way.
According to US News & World Report, the ruminations on replacing Gonzales have centered on the appeal of: "a seasoned insider, a consummate veteran or an elder statesman who has bipartisan respect and acceptance and a squeaky-clean record."
As savvy political observer Ron Gunzberger notes, "(It) sounds like former US Senator Fred Thompson could possibly fit that description, but he seems to have other plans these days."