The Delusions of the Last Rightwing Remnant: Freerepublic.com --The Rec Report --By Michael Rectenwald 20 Mar 2007
On Freerepublic.com, we find those who still believe in the Bush agenda: the war, the insurgency, the domestic agenda, and yes, even in the reliability of the Bush propaganda machine. Here we find the few who find no irony in the language of the Bush regime. They see nothing ironic about the fact that the original mame for the war in Iraq was Operation Iraqi Liberation, the acronym for which is O.I.L.--that is, before it was changed to cover up the inauspicious and inadvertent revelation of its true purpose. They see no irony in the idea of liberating a country from a dictator, and then using his former prisons to torture its citizens. They see no irony in calling the 'enemy' ruthless killers, even as they have bombed and ruthlessly killed many times more people than the enemy. They see no irony in trumpeting a war against terrorism, even as their state terrorism has precipitated a bloody civil war that has drastically added to terrorism's ranks. They see no irony in the fact that they no longer know who the enemy is, and instead hope to secure the enemy from the enemy's enemy...
The freepers suggest that in a subsequent Rec Report, I have 'backtracked' from my original "10-Point Plan," because I am afraid that my having written it will somehow disqualify me from getting tenure. This charge is actually charmingly naïve. But, I should like to educate the Busheviks about something called "academic freedom," which, unlike the freedumb (freedom to be dumb) avowed on Freerepublic.com, actually allows one to have a reasoned opinion that differs from that of the king-and-priest mob that stones dissenters. ...This same kind of mob would have supported another idiot king named "George" against the revolutionary forces. In short, this same kind of mob has always worked against the best self-interests of its own individual members. This same mob is a dangerous cabal with members that include dangerous, prominent politicians.