,0,6670885.story?coll=la-home-headlinesA sniper shot Sgt. Joe Baumann on a Baghdad street in April 2005. The AK-47 round ripped through his midsection, ricocheted off his Kevlar vest and shredded his abdomen.
The bullet also ignited the tracer magazine on his belt, setting Baumann on fire.
Almost two years later, the 22-year-old California National Guard soldier walks with a cane, suffers from back problems and has been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder that keeps him from sleeping and holding a job.
"He can't even go to the grocery store by himself," said his wife Aileen, also 22.
The question pending before a military review board here is whether to grant Baumann a military disability pension and health care or cut him an $8,000 check for his troubles