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Baby Boom Gone Bust

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Daveparts Donating Member (854 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-21-07 07:48 AM
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Baby Boom Gone Bust

Being a baby boomer raised in post World War Two America we were raised with certain fixed realities. And of course moving into a new century it has become necessary that we must take stock of changes and accept adjustments. Growing up in the fifties and sixties the cold war was the preeminent issue with it’s adjutant threat of nuclear war, which made us the first human generation of children that lived with the possibility that every day on earth could be our society’s last.

Like George Orwell’s 1984 we lived with clear messages from big brother even if our big brother was kindly benevolent old Uncle Sam. Capitalism Good! Communism Bad! Socialism Bad! Only not as bad, but not as good as capitalism. If you asked questions about socialism in Great Britain or Scandinavia it was explained that it was indeed socialism only that it was different but it was inferior to our unbridled capitalism.

Take a look around they would explain at our ever expanding economy our rising wages our ever increasing standard of living and then look at those poor miserable wretches in the Soviet block and it was true. But communism was the ultimate wedge to the capitalist system the Capitalists had to always bear in mind that if conditions became so poor to the average person a communist movement could sprout up and could count on support from Moscow. The outright hysteria over Cuba puts a fine point on that. Not the missiles in Cuba but the communism in Cuba that terrified American corporate elites. For communism in Cuba could only succeed where capitalism fails.

We live in our world with fantasies of a democratic free press while the numbers of jobs for writers decline and the supply of writers remain constant or expanding. If you are considering employment it’s best to consider what sort of reporting the boss wants to see. You’ll gain little traction with investigative reporting on the newspapers advertisers or politicians that have it in their power to do them harm. I once heard a local mayor upset over his portrayal by a local TV station comment “Maybe next time we hold a press conference we’ll just forget to call them.”

The growth of the Internet has acted as a buffer in some ways but at the same time it has diluted the audience. When a website becomes popular they immediately erect rules and barriers to what can be posted. I in advertently posted on the Daily Kos an article about the lunacy of government’s statements about air traffic controllers after 9-11. I was lambasted not by the truth or lack of truth in my post but that I had violated the rules of the site by speaking about 9-11. No one argued my points only that I had violated the rules and no meeting of right wing evangelicals could have been any more severe.

The Nazis had their brown shirted thugs at the doors of their meetings too if you heckled or questioned the Fuehrer you would be removed. The Internet has given rise to the E thug if you question status quo left or right the E thugs will come after you. I was on a website and the issue was illegal immigration when I pointed out that the issue was more about illegal than immigration the E thugs were set upon me. I was called a troll and a plant a racist a bigot so apparently you’re only free to think inside the box. If your views are not black or white or liberal or conservative keep them to yourself.

Never mind that my beliefs mirrored those of Jack Kennedy and Martin Luther King or Hubert Humphrey because the boundaries are all changed now. Jimmy Carter was a conservative Democrat and Gerald Ford was a liberal Republican; Bill Clinton was a centrist yet Richard Nixon would have vetoed Clinton’s welfare reform bill as too punitive. The actual Liberals in Congress can be counted on one hand or as the press refers to them as extremists or fringe. Yet they advocate nothing that wasn’t considered mainstream only twenty years before.

Why is that? Could it be that when Communism fell in Eastern Europe the need to support Capitalism fell in North America? Wages, and standards of living have all eroded from that high water mark Unionism is on the decline and has been under constant attack by right wing administrations, labor statistics subverted to the point where hamburger stands are now considered manufacturing outlets. The Chinese government recently announced they supported the workers in forming labor unions to which the American Association of Manufacturers announced well we don’t! Ask yourself, what’s wrong with this picture, the communist support unionism and Americans don’t.

If you’re my age you remember the plethora of science fiction pictures where heartless soulless robots would take over the world and make slaves out of humanity. From the cheesy to the high budget 2001 A Space Odyssey, the fear of mankind losing its soul to technology was an ever-present concern. Well guess what? It has, and the robots name is the global corporation and it is every bit as heartless and soulless as any villain Hollywood could possibly dream up. Darth Vader has nothing on these boys, a corporation is a legal entity with all the rights of a living breathing person but unlike a person it will never die. The good or evil of a person will follow them to the grave but the fear of judgment might influence their behavior on earth.

But the corporation fears not, a Frankenstein monster loosed on mankind; it has no feelings or emotions. It cares not about the here after for it is eternal, it has no sense of right or wrong of good or evil it has only one motivation, profit. All human beings have a desire to be accepted loved and thought well of even if it is a blatantly untrue. We are ego driven while the corporation is only profit driven; it cares how it is viewed only in regards to that which might affect its profits. Nike shoes received bad publicity about operating sweatshops in Central Asia so how did they respond? By moving their operations to Central America. Did the bad publicity change their minds or their business model or just their mailing address?

You say the gold miners are getting a little uppity in the Congo, well then kill a few of them. The oil workers in Nigeria want higher wages? Call in the Army let them work at gunpoint a few days that will straighten them out. You say the workers at Coca Cola in Panama want to unionize then have the police shoot the union leader in front of the workers that will get them back into line. Want something a little closer to home? The miners that died in West Virginia didn’t have a second phone line or oxygen safe rooms, miners in Europe wouldn’t enter a mine without either of those in place.

The corporations frame the issues “We must stay competitive” is their mantra it’s hard to go a day without hearing it. But no one questions the muti million dollar salary package for the CEO no one says that’s three or four times a European CEO’s salary. Everyone claims the mantle of green in corporate America, the oil companies the chemical industry all tout their efforts for green policies yet avidly support political candidates that will loosen environmental standards. Occidental Petroleum was using open pit wastewater disposal in Columbia outlawed in the US for almost a hundred years and yet they continued in Columbia until ordered by the government to stop. Just dumping oil saturated water into a pit to leach into the ground water. The soulless corporate robot thinks only of profit what ever it takes to accomplish its goal. It’s is far better to spend a hundred thousand dollars on a public relations campaign than two hundred thousand to actually do the right thing. It’s cheaper to buy judges and Congress than to follow the law.

An acquaintance of mine had a family place were his ancestors had lived for over a hundred years in south Alabama. A Chemical plant that made ammonium nitrate fertilizer moved in up the road and after a few months of operation the families well water was contaminated with ammonia. They explained to plant officials about their well water and were told politely to buzz off. They hired an attorney and had soil tests done that showed the closer you got to the plant’s boundary the higher the levels of Ammonia in the soil.

When their day in court finally arrived the judge looked at the test results and without asking the corporation’s attorney one question asked, “Can you prove that the Ammonia is coming from their tank?” and dismissed their case. 007 license to kill, what’s the difference gun or chemical? To place the standard that high is to say buzz off. The state courts of Mississippi and Louisiana will be backed up for the next twenty-five years over the insurance companies refusal to fairly pay claims from Katrina. Meanwhile the homeless mortgage holder continues to make his monthly payment dreaming of that day seventeen years or so in the future when he finally gets his day in court.

In our futuristic literature describing imagined apocalyptic societies controlled by soulless robots or faceless fascist societies drug use had been overlooked or even encouraged by the society as a way of making the subjects easier to manipulate. But that was a misconception; here it becomes obvious that this is a right wing reactionary coup. The war on drugs was but the opening salvo in the war on our freedom its true cause is not to diminish the amount of drugs on the street but to expand the numbers and powers of the police. The power to wiretap and to confiscate assets before conviction leaves the suspect naked before the law.

In the sixties General Richard Seccord ran a covert operation in Vietnam with intelligence agencies to help move Thai and Laotian heroin to market and by the late sixties American cities were awash with cheap Asian heroin and Richard Nixon declares a war on drugs. In the eighties the Reagan administrations foreign policy emphasis was on Central America and what drug floods American streets? And whose name was connected with it? Why cocaine and Richard Seccord of course, tougher penalties longer jail terms and more prisons.

It’s actually genius in its evil simplicity, you import the drugs profit from the drugs expand your police powers to fight the drugs and as the price goes up and you make even more profit then you run for reelection on your record of being tough on drugs. And why were we in Central America in the first place? To fight socialism in Nicaragua and who would have been hurt by that? Who stood to lose? That’s right American Corporations.

We invaded and captured Manuel Noriega in Panama but knowing now what we know about Saddam do you think Noriega’s real crime was selling drugs? Or might it perhaps be to whom he was selling them to or for? The meth epidemic has hit almost every community in America the active ingredient ephedrine is manufactured by a small handful of pharmaceutical plants worldwide but does your government move to regulate the source at that level? No, no, no, it’s better to regulate every drug store in the country to make them keep records of who is buying what. The US occupies Afghanistan and American morgues have begun to fill with heroin overdoses. Those dumb afghan’s don’t know how to cut their product so when it reaches the market it’s too pure, they’re not very good yet at being capitalist’s yet.

I recently watched a program on C span with the director of NORMAL and the assistant director of policy for the DEA discussing decriminalizing marijuana. For one hour the two participants took phone calls and in that hour not one call not one was against the decriminalizing marijuana laws. Republicans, Democrats, Independents, Libertarians not one agreed with the government’s position. Medical Marijuana? No such thing says the DEA the FDA, studies conclude there are no benefits from Marijuana. That ridicules on its face Chinese medical books that predated the time of Christ prescribed hundreds of uses for medical marijuana. But the FDA insists, claiming there is no benefit. For who? Who funds drug studies at the FDA? Either the government or the drug companies and of all the people in prison for drugs convictions how many are marijuana arrests 50%

The FDA is correct there is no benefit in medical marijuana, for the drug companies or the prison industries that is. In his book The Gulag Archipelago, Aleksandr Solzhenitson points out in describing the Russian prison system what he called the sewage system explaining the police had to keep finding guilty people or number of convicts would decline and the police would be accused of not doing their jobs properly and any chance they had for advancement was based solely on the number of confessions. If the government were to allow decriminalized marijuana they would have to shut down whole prisons and many of those prisons are run by… Corporations for profit. And even the dying aren’t exempted, Medical marijuana clubs are shut down despite the goal of alleviating the suffering of the dying. The drug companies instead came up with a pharmaceutical substitute for medical marijuana; you know the same drug they said that didn’t have any benefits in the first place. It’s a suppository, and that in it’s self should give you an idea of what they think about you!

So just how maniacal and evil are these corporations? The skies the limit there are no limits. Enron is a good case in point not because they looted the pension fund but because not one Enron executive thought enough about the thousands of workers to say, “If this doesn’t work what will become of our workers?” Anymore than the guards at Dachau wondered if the prisoners had enough warm blankets. Who are the most profitable corporations in the world? We are fighting wars in which two countries? The reasons for both of these wars were faulty and defective to the point of nonsensical. Yet a pipeline will be built in Afghanistan and favorable oil legislation is rammed through the Quisling Iraqi Parliament.

Do I paint too black a picture or is our future perhaps not that bleak? I do not like to use the word fascism to describe our current situation for fascism is nationalistic. The Nazis and the Italians wanted to use fascism to improve conditions in their own homelands. To me this is corporatism it is a blend of fascism and feudalism and its only purpose is to aide its robot masters. In October of 1943 Heinrich Himmler said, “What happens to a Russian, to a Czech does not interest me in the slightest. Whether nations live in prosperity or starve to deaths like cattle interests me only so far as we need them as slaves to our Kulture: otherwise it is of no interest to me. Whether 10,000 Russian females fall down from exhaustion while digging and anti tank ditch interests me only in so far as the anti tank ditch for Germany is finished.”

Now substitute employees for Russian and Czech, substitute corporation for Kulture now Substitute Corporation for Germany. You’ve just converted a Nazi mass murderer and convicted war criminal into a model corporate executive, unashamed that they have left US communities in rubble like Yugoslavia what did GM tell city officials in Flint Michigan? We owe you nothing! Like a rock all right, right upside your head but before you cry tears for Ford and GM’s demise remember they are opening news plants in India and China. How is their behavior and different than that of Heinrich Himmler? “What happens to Flint Michigander or a Kansan does not interest me in the slightest. Whether communities live in prosperity or starve to death like cattle interests me only so far as we need them as slaves to GM or Ford.

So fellow slaves on this great global plantation what is our future? Will we do something about global warming besides lip service? Not hardly, corporations are slow to learn, from the example of the space program in the sixties, which fueled the computer revolution and the telecommunications industry, these lessons are lost on the American corporation. They live by the principle of profit today is better than profit tomorrow. You see there are no guarantees the old fashioned way. Now a hundred and fifty thousand troops and billions of tax dollars that works. Besides that doesn’t come off the corporations bottom line, and weren’t they going to buy those politicians anyway.

Like Dorothy in Oz looking behind the curtain all of a sudden it all makes sense why Hillary Clinton supports George Bushes war. Why American politicians won’t speak out about Iraq realistically the folly the foolishness and bald-faced lie of it. Now’s not the time to play the blame game they say. Well then, when is the time? If you do something stupid at your job what’s the first thing your boss is going to say to you? Tell him now is not the time to point fingers and as you pickup your last check ask yourself aren’t we supposed to the boss in this country?

It’s the corporate double standard, if you’re Dick Cheney and shoot someone you tell the police to come back tomorrow. If your Rush Limbaugh and get caught with drugs at the border while on probation its woopsy for Joe six-pack it’s slammer time. If you start a war with bad intelligence and get thousands killed it’s wrong to point fingers but if you’re in a traffic accident that gets people killed and give your defense as bad intelligence it’s slammer time. If your employer discovers that your hooked on drugs and even though you’ve tried to kick them you keep going back your fired unless you’re a supreme Court Justice you don’t suppose that knowledge at the FBI made him susceptible to blackmail do you? Credit card corporations even have a special category for politicians and public figures. They always ask for their money back nice, they wouldn’t want some rider to appear on a bill or some football player to score a touchdown and say don’t use X credit card they suck!

So what are the necessary changes and adjustments? Democracy means any government that supports our corporate goals regardless of how it came to power. Tyrant or madman is anyone who opposes our corporate goals. Conservative is anyone supportive of the status quo Liberal anyone who is non-supportive of the status quo, Patriot anyone who kills or dies for our corporate beliefs, Terrorist is anyone who kills or dies opposed to our corporate beliefs. A religious extremist means Islamic, a fanatical evangelical means a conservative Christian. Globalism means corporate rape, Free trade means free for the corporations. The American dream means fantasyland. Belief that our government truly cares for the interests of its people means idiot.
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Somawas Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-21-07 07:53 AM
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1. k&r well written and thoughtful.
and welcome to DU.
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katsy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-21-07 08:15 AM
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2. k/r excellent analysis.
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The2ndWheel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-21-07 08:23 AM
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3. Oh that's just crazy
Crazy like a fox.
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Benhurst Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-21-07 08:26 AM
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4. Recommended #4
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tech3149 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-21-07 08:37 AM
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5. I like the way you think
You've summarized the situation very well. I won't agree that it's well written. Sentence structure and phrasing could be improved with a re-write or two. With corrections, I would be proud to submit it to any major paper in the country.

I try not to be the language nazi, but what you have to say is important. There are a lot of us old farts out there that dismiss good ideas when they are poorly presented. Thanks for posting it and Welcome to DU. I'll be looking forward to your future posts.
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bonito Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-21-07 08:57 AM
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6. You tell it like it is
Thanks for posting this, will be looking for more of them as well.
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SnowGoose Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-21-07 09:03 AM
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7. Damn! Hats off to you, Daveparts.
I'm bookmarking this thread, because I know I'll want to go back and ruminate on it several more times.

Thanks for taking the time to write and share this.

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fed-up Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-21-07 09:16 AM
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8. long read, but worth it-solution-put your $$$ where your mouth is (don't support corps) nt
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Daveparts Donating Member (854 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-21-07 01:25 PM
Response to Reply #8
9. From the 25 Principals

1. The sole purpose of a government is to provide for the security and well being of the governed. To institute policies to improve the well being of the people and the nation as a whole. When a government begins to promulgate laws aimed at protecting itself from the governed it ceases to be a government and becomes a criminal conspiracy.

2. We the citizens of the United States of America declare that, The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution of The United States of America and The Bill of Rights are the founding documents of The United States of America and the basis of all law and governing principals of the nation and that any and all laws that can be demonstrated to run contrary to these founding documents are to be declared illegal and void.

5. Election fraud is the unlawful userpatation of the rights of the people of the United States of America and is equitable with the crime of treason against the people.The proscribed penalty for willful and intentional election fraud whether as a voter or as an administrator shall be life in prison without the possibility of parole or pardon.

9. A healthy economy is of no benefit, if it does not raise the standard of living for its lowest paid workers. A minimum wage that leaves a worker in abject poverty is a disgrace and an embarrassment to a great nation it makes a hallow mockery of free enterprise, free to enslave is nothing to be proud of. The minimum wage is to be indexed to one hundred and fifteen percent of the poverty level and indexed annually. All Congressional, Executive and Federal Judicial salary increases shall trigger a corresponding increase in the minimum wage.

10. We hold this land in trust handed down from our ancestors and owe a duty to our progeny to pass it down in the same or better environmental condition. To that end the super fund tax of two dollars a ton on toxic materials will be reinstated and raised to five dollars a ton and indexed annually to inflation. Environmental clean up will fall on those responsible for the damage. Bankruptcy of the company will not be allowed to be used as a means of escaping financial responsibility. In the case of a corporation the assets of the officers as well as the assets of parent or affiliated companies and stockholders can be used to fund clean up. with an exemption of workers pension plans. There will be no statute of limitation on environmental crimes.

23. If we are the free people, that we claim to be, we must allow one another the personal enjoyment of their freedom. It is there for not for the government to interfere in any matters of medical treatment. It shall be to the physician and patient alone to make all decisions in matters of treatment, prescription and quality of life issues.

We the People of the United States and the planet Earth stand on the threshold of the new century. One which will be remembered by the peoples of the world a the greatest century of man or the last century of man.A century where mankind recognized not only their own mortality but the mortality of their planet, to see that it will turn to justice and equanimity for all mankind or to be forgotten, a rusted hulk, abandoned in the fields of failed ideals far overshadowed by the dark night of environmental Armageddon. This is not to say, that this is the end. This is not to say, we have no choice, but rather that this is our last choice, to say this is not the end. We must decide, we must wrest the sword of justice, for it falls upon us to be our own savior or our own executioner.

All living on this planet will die; it is what we leave behind us to our posterity that will bring the blessings or curses of our names by our grandchildren. Who cannot say, truly, today that if we fail in this task ahead of us that it might be better if we had never been born. Who then cannot feel proud or blessed to be offered the chance to stand with the immortals of this nation. To be the chosen, to be the generation that validates whether they were right or wrong or if all of their struggles were in vain So, to us then it falls, to tally the follies of all previous generations against the sums of knowledge and wisdom to be applied to the equations of the last evolutionary challenge. That this will be remembered as our greatest century or the final century
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cassiepriam Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-21-07 06:28 PM
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10. Welcome and very good post! And yes, we are all indentured servants
to the oligarchy.
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CRH Donating Member (671 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-22-07 11:55 AM
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11. Thank You Daveparts, ...
You have put it in a nut shell.
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