Supports Gonzales: Expressing His Contempt for the American People
A. Alexander, March 20th, 2007
Outside the complete and utter debacle known as the Iraq War and his need to hire only those whose incompetence meets or exceeds his own, perhaps, Mister Bush will be best remembered by historians for his absolute disdain for democracy, near hatred for the rule of law and nearly violent contempt toward the American people. And Attorney General Alberto Gonzales is the perfect metaphor for George W. Bush's entire concept of governance.
Truth be told, most reputable law firms probably wouldn't have hired Mister Gonzales as a paralegal. Indeed, they may not have given his resume a second glance were they looking to hire a janitor. Such glaring incompetence, of course, made Alberto Gonzales the perfect and obvious choice to be President Bush's Attorney General.
The law is as foreign to Gonzales as the English language and the differences between Shiite and Sunni Muslims are to George W. Bush, but good ol' Gonzo was a long time Bush buddy and a vessel for the only characteristic that mattered to the President - he was an unquestioning, unthinking, and blind loyalist.
As for the knowledge and skills required to serve as Attorney General in Mister Bush's White House - well, there 'wasn't no call for none-o-that legal mumbo-jumbo and lawyerin' stuff'. Alberto Gonzales didn't need a working understanding of the legal system and laws. The only talent needed to be this administration's Attorney General; Gonzales possessed in spades...the ability to lie with conviction. It is the very same ability, the only real ability, possessed by everyone in the Bush administration and the skill that enabled them to invade Iraq.
In today's Bush administration, the "law" is for losers. The Constitution and the rule of law apply only to the "little people," but not to corporations and certainly not to Presidents who confuse themselves with Emperors. Since the Constitution and law didn't apply to the White House, Alberto Gonzales didn't need to know or understand either. Real lawyers would tell him what to say when appearing before Congress. People who knew the law well, especially how to circumvent it, would tell Alberto the lies that he would tell Congress and the American people...lies that would make certain nobody in the White House would ever be held to account.