There an Executive Privilege to Lie?
Wednesday, 21 March 2007
by Stephen P. Pizzo
One of my favorite lines in the movies is from Maltese Falcon. Humphrey Bogart slaps a thug around. When the thug protests Boggie slaps him again, this time adding, “When I slap you you'll take it and like it.”
The Bush administration has the same attitude when it comes to the information they dole out to us. And when we protest their reply is, “When we lie to you you'll take it and like it.”
That was pretty much the message President Bush delivered yesterday in response to complaints from congress that the administration is being less than truthful or forthcoming about the firing of eight US Attorney's. How dare elected members of congress question the undocumented, unsworn and contradictory White House version of events!
Last night Chris Mathews, and other MSM commentators described Bush's demeanor after yesterday's news conference as “loaded for bear,” and “clearly itching for a fight with congress.” That's not what I saw. I saw a petulant little man throwing a hissy-fit because he wasn't getting his way.
I guess that should not come as a surprise. After all, Bush has gotten his way – his whole way – until now. Even the media rolled over for this guy. If you want to read the closest thing to criminal indictment of the mainstream media's coverage of the Bush presidency it's posted on Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting. (HERE)
And of course, for his first six years of the Bush administration, a Republican-controlled House and Senate meant no oversight, no hearings, no objections, no checks, no balances. Those six years were about as close to a monarchy as I ever want to see America come ever again.