First, sorry if this has been done, but it IS important that we force the congress that WE PUT IN PLACE reverse the CRB decision to tax internet radio obscene amounts!! Internet radio MUST remain WITHOUT CHARGE OR TAX!
I was beyond mortified when I first heard about this. One this stands a good chance of KILLING Air America because they are JUST getting back on their feet.
Believe it or not even Reich wingers are on our side. The reality is that this issue goes beyond left/right lines. This effects EVERYONE ON THE NET!
Since it was the RIAA bitching about this it'll probably spread like a virus to other countries. Granted if you broadcast outside the US, or from a non-US site you can be exempt, but that's more trouble than most people can really go to.
This is damaging to everyone, this is total bullshit, and murder to little Indi broadcasters! follow that link and click sign petition! Even better, I know we have some VERY well connected members who can cause even harder pressure on congress members. WE MUST GET THIS REVERSED!!!! We also need TRUE Net Neutrality legislation passed!
I know ending the war is VERY important, beyond that... but without a free internet, we have lost the war totally. Without the ability to broadcast the truth free and clear of costs, we can NOT continue to win!
Sign the petition, and and put pressure on your member of congress!
Thank you.