Civil Unions, Civil Rights, and Genetic CleansingMarch 23 2007
Fact: Gay and lesbian Americans form lasting monogamous relationships.
Fact: Those relationships create families.
Fact: Those families often include children.
Fact: Some so-called “pro-family” advocates are willing to hurt children and their parents in order to advance a self-serving socio-political agenda.
No one personifies that destructive, anti-family, self-aggrandizing deception more than Louis P. Sheldon, founder and chairman of the Traditional Values Coalition. He demonstrated that yet again with his March 6, 2007 invective. It seems Chairman Sheldon is outraged by the Alliance for Marriage, whose motto is “More Children Raised in a Home with a Mother and Father.” While the Alliance wishes to “protect marriage” and reserve it for heterosexuals only, they have the common sense and grasp of reality to recognize the facts listed above.
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