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The Yoonitary Executive

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babylonsister Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-24-07 12:49 PM
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The Yoonitary Executive

The Yoonitary Executive
p m carpenter

If ever there were a spectacular example of how the logic of authoritarianism inexorably creeps from A to D and ultimately Z, John Yoo is it.

Mr. Yoo, the torture-adoring, Geneva Convention-denying, law professor servant of "unitary executive" power has put his mind to work on the U.S. Attorney scandal and finds it all a mere "hubbub": Wouldn't things be simpler if we just extended the president's virtually unfettered war-making and foreign-policy powers to the domestic realm as well?

Spectacularly simplistic and simple-minded also come to mind. But, for the right, simple is good. Simple is understandable. Simple sells. The Wall Street Journal is always a willing vendor, and Thursday it published Mr. Yoo's simplistic and simple-minded "think-piece" that is, simply, a bunch of hooey.

First, according to Mr. Yoo, the scandal is just politics -- neglecting that more than a handful of Congressional Republicans are less than amused. But what the hell. That sort of complication only complicates; better to sweep it under the rug so we can keep arguments tidy -- and simple.

And how reassuring it is to simply snicker about those notoriously political Democrats simply wanting to watch "Karl Rove squirm before a congressional committee" while "placing bets on Attorney General Alberto Gonzales's tenure in office," all of which "is great political sport."

Well, frankly, yes it is, Mr. Yoo. But so was Watergate, which also happened to double as something of a real problem.

But then, Mr. Yoo gets serious. He furrows his brow in preparation for making us wake up and realize that "much more than partisan circuses is at stake."

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notadmblnd Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-24-07 01:28 PM
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1. Sounds like Mr. Yoo would be much more comfortable practicing his trade in another country
For some reason, Communist China comes to my mind?
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