case (Hicks) is a central demonstration of the ongoing effort of Defense Secretary Robert Gates, brought to light last week by the New York Times to close Guantánamo and have the remaining military commission proceedings held in the U.S. Gates has been supported by Secretary of State Rice in this effort.
But that suggestion has been fought hard by the real power in the White House, Dick Cheney who was backed up by Alberto Gonzales. Why? Because Cheney and Gonzales want to keep those trials off of U.S. soil, and in the no man's land of Guantánamo where habeas corpus isn't an issue....
Note: Just to be clear -- I think the Supreme Court, if it reaches the questions, will likely hold that the detainees have due process and habeas rights even at GTMO. Therefore, it's likely that the only "cost" to the Administration of moving the detainees to the continental U.S. would be to foreclose the Department of Justice from arguing to the contrary....
The cost to the administration, and to the nation, has already been wrought. Gates is absolutely right in his conviction that Guantánamo has "become so tainted abroad that legal proceedings at Guantánamo would be viewed as illegitimate." The stain on our country from the very existence of Guantánamo, much less what has transpired there, is a cost that the country will be paying for decades to come. Yet another reason for the impeachment of Alberto Gonzales, architect of torture, denier of habeas corpus.