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Bush Is...."American Mugabe" David Michael Green

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Demeter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-30-07 06:54 PM
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Bush Is...."American Mugabe" David Michael Green

Most Americans really don’t understand their president.

And, no, I’m not even talking about the thirty percent or so who still give him a positive approval rating. I’m not sure those folks understand anything.....Even among the vast majority who disapprove of Bush’ performance as president, the typical sentiments expressed toward him are exactly that – essentially characterized by a disapproval of his performance. It’s easy to see Bush as inept, unintelligent, stubborn, lazy and dogmatic, because he is certainly all those things, and he should therefore be seen in that accurate light.

But this view of Bush is also, paradoxically, highly inaccurate, because it is so radically incomplete. It is as if one were to observe a vicious dog once only, while it was at rest. Since it is true that the animal sometimes rests, the perception of it as a (sometimes) peaceful creature would in one sense be quite accurate. But, by virtue of what was omitted, that perception would also be simultaneously woefully incomplete, and therefore woefully inaccurate... We are raised to revere our presidents, generally. Americans have no equivalent to the British Queen or the German president as head of state. There is no symbolic position here that sits above politics and embodies the hopes and aspirations of the nation. All of that, along with the more tangible governing powers of a chief executive, are invested in our president, and while we may often disagree with the president, or disparage his moral failings, most of us are quite unprepared to imagine that his motives are other than pure.

Very few of us could conceive of a president who was unpatriotic or, worse yet, a traitor, unless faced with massive empirical evidence which was undeniable. (And which many of the thirty percent would, in fact, nevertheless still continue to deny – provided, of course, that the president in question continued to mutter the proper religious shibboleths, and bought-off the right members of our pathetic Pantheon of Piety.)

The second reason that we are unable to fully perceive the true nature of George W. Bush is because Karl Rove has picked up from where the default starting place of this presumptive presidential reverence leaves off and pumped us to the gills with a full-court press Madison Avenue mega-campaign, extolling the fabricated virtues of this particular president. Every other reference, in every single speech, is to 9/11. Every photo-op has soldiers and flags in the background. (Though maimed troops are carefully excluded. But thanks for your service, guys. Really!... Don’t forget that this is a president who ran from Vietnam to the Texas Air National Guard, ran from 9/11 to Nebraska, and had to have his presidential debate responses radioed in to him. Like Strawberry Fields, when it comes to this guy, nothing is real. Forever. Rove has this faux hero pumped full to the brim with patriotism enhancement drugs, the political equivalent of Barry Bonds.

As if all that doesn’t make it hard enough, there is a third reason we don’t think of Bush as anything more than inept, foolish and arrogant, and that is because many of us just can’t go there. When very young Americans experience their initial political socialization, their first awareness is of the president. And, as we know from research findings, that apprehension is of a daddy figure who will keep us safe and protected.

In much the same way, therefore, that a father molesting his child represents the deepest possible violation of the trust that the vulnerable invest in their supposed protector, few Americans are psychologically prepared to imagine their president as something far, far worse than a fool. That scary possibility cuts deep, right to the existential core, and too many of us have too many layers of psychological Kevlar protecting that vulnerable center to ever penetrate.....

Anyone who thinks the latest scandal concerning the firing of the US Attorneys is some random anomaly of some sort hasn’t been paying attention. It is perfectly of a piece with everything this administration has done since coming to office.

Before they had even located the men’s room of their new office suites, they had already withdrawn the United States from the International Criminal Court treaty. Not content with that, they then began hammering vulnerable countries throughout the world to exempt Americans within their borders from jurisdiction of the Court, using extortion racket techniques any two-bit thug from Brooklyn would find painfully familiar.

Next, Bush unilaterally changed the traditional rules for the handling of presidential papers, issuing an executive order giving himself complete control of his papers, and those of every other president, for as long as he wants.

Then this junta proceeded to conduct the affairs of their administration with probably more secrecy than any presidency in American history, making the regime in North Korea look like a battered information-leaking sieve by comparison.

Since then they’ve loaded up the courts with right-wing Borkians whose main qualification for office is a fawning adoration of unlimited executive power (as long as Bush is the executive, of course). Does anyone seriously question that that was Harriet Miers’ only real ‘qualification’ earning her a Supreme Court nomination?

Now they’re firing US Attorneys who aren’t quite Bushist enough, and replacing them with any unqualified hack who can be found, provided they possess unshakable loyalty to the Dauphin.
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CJCRANE Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-31-07 03:16 AM
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1. Good article. n/t
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ixion Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-31-07 06:44 AM
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2. kicked and recommended
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Demeter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-31-07 07:29 AM
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3. morning kick
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