Edited on Wed Dec-24-03 12:09 AM by AlFrankenFan
Okay, this is my first thing I written for my site that I've posted on DU. Here goes.
I was forgetting today, as I was lying in bed staring at the ceiling, why I hated Rush Limbaugh. I hadn't heard him on the air in over five months, so I decided to check and see what he was gloating about this week. This is from the last hour, which I had the unfortunate pleasure of listening too, and if this is from one hour, I can only imagine what three is like.
Among the names I counted, as there were many, Rush bashed liberals and democrats, calling them "discombobulated", "out of their minds", " don't like or trust America", "insane" and other names among those.
The first subject that caught my attention was that of the late Strom Thurmond's illegitimate black child, and how he claimed Jesse Jackson had illegitimate children, too. Every time he said Jackson's name, he prounounced it in an odd manner, almost a Southern Black accent, like: "The Reverend Jack-sn".
Also, he discussed the matter of a 4'4'' teenage boy in London that was ridiculed at his former workplace, a grocery store, for being too short, and I believe is suing them. He said in part that "Howard Dean, being only 5'6'', is probably going to join his side", and that was only one part of the heavy Dean and Clark bashing that went on throughout the hour.
Then, on how "liberals don't want Sadaam to get the death penalty", he gave a very moronic metaphor: "Liberals, come gather 'round the Christmas tree, oh wait, I forgot, you want to ban that, too....well, gather 'round like it's a Planned Parenthood broadcast. Sadaam is an unwanted late term fetus. So you abort it. That simple."
He then went on, gloating at his "genius" comparison for the remander of the show. During an ad break, a radio announcer voice called Rush "the best talk radio host of all time". And, I ask, if he's the best, how come he can't get off the AM dial?