Edited on Fri Dec-26-03 10:21 PM by DemoVet
He's already shown his skill at getting monsters acquitted of their crimes, and it doesn't seem to be costing him any sleep at all. When I first heard that Sah-dam (or Soh-dum, as Bush41 used to call him) had been nabbed I was glad, not just because he's a horrible awful person and certainly shouldn't be loose, but also because he has the ability, if given an open forum like a trial and a decent defense, of causing a lot of embarrasment and pain to a lot of Republican administration officials going back 20 years, not to mention the current crew. Conason's dream witness list will probably never testify but the issues raised by their tacit support of him from the early 80's through Gulf War 1, when he was an even more evil monster than he was when we invaded this year, would certainly put the neocons in an awkward position, now that their initial reason for invasion, i.e. vast stocks of WMD's, hasn't materialized. It's hard for them to pretend, now that they haven't found any, or any programs to develop them, or even any clear evidence that the Iraqis even wanted to begin developing them and sharing them with terrorists (or even finding Osama on Saddams speed dial list) that they invaded to save the Iraqi people from an oppressive dictator. They didn't seem to have any problem with him as long as he was killing Iranians and they could make a buck off it. It just goes to show you how little planning goes into their little schemes once things get under way. Personally, if I were Cheney the last thing I would have wanted was a living, breathing, Saddam Hussein in open court with nothing to lose and a strong desire to do as much damage as he can to his enemies before he dies. He may actually be more dangerous to them now than he would have been if they had left him alone. I'll bet Dickless is wishing that that GI had dropped a grenade on ol' Sah-dam.