W e have the best health care in the world! We don't let big government tell us what to do, and we give maximum opportunity for individual initiative to prove itself. Isn't it time to expand the lessons learned from providing health care to other basic services?
Let's privatize police departments! Why should we let big government tell us how our laws should be enforced? From now on, police services will be run by competing private businesses. Competition will provide better and more efficient results, as we have proved in our health care system. Employers will include police benefits as part of their fringe benefits, with moderate deductibles to discourage workers from calling the police unnecessarily.
Police insurance companies will use the same principles that have been used so successfully in health care. They will target their marketing to those least in need of police services and actively discourage those covered from using police departments. As with health care, those who can afford additional coverage will be allowed to get it -- the more they pay, the more they'll get...
If you have someone who extols the "virtures of the market," show them this article, written by a Portland physician.