Edited on Wed Dec-31-03 05:02 PM by Beetwasher
Ashcroft recused himself at this time, because he thinks he CAN. IOW, he thinks there's NO DANGER to the admin from an investigation. He's reviewed everything, all the evidence, spoke to those involved and feels he can bring in someone seemingly independent and is satisfied that THEY WON'T BE ABLE TO BUILD A CASE.
The implication being one of two things; 1. there was no wrongdoing and therefore there is no case, or 2. there is not sufficient incriminating evidence.
We can dismiss number 1 because there is NO DOUBT a federal, treasonous crime was committed, therefore there is a case to be made against someone. That leaves us w/ number 2.
The question then becomes, "why is there no evidence to build a case?" and there are two answers to this question. 1. The perps were very clever and left no evidence and 2. The evidence was CLEANED UP.
We can dismiss number 1, because it's impossible they didn't leave a trail because at the very least, there should be phone records somewhere to the reporters contacted, so that leaves number 2.
I think that if the ultimate conclusion of this investigation is that no one is indicted and held responsible, that in itself is evidence of cover up and obstruction of justice. We know a crime was definitely committed. We know there should be some evidence of that crime and there are definitely numerous people who absolutely know who the perps are. As far as who cleaned the evidence? Well, one can surmise that the best person for the job of cleaning up evidence so a prosecutor can't build a case, would be another prosecutor. Who was in the best position to do that? Someone w/ top level access and who would get to review all the evidence before anyone else. Do the initials JA ring a bell?
This scenario would also explain the timing of the announcement. JA finished his job. He made sure there was no case and they think they have nothing to fear from an unbiased investigation except possibly a case built on hearsay. One can only hope the CIA had some foresight and made sure some hard evidence was protected.
I disagree w/ Marshall about the fact that the day before New Years is not necessarily burying the story. I think it is effectively burying it as much as it can and I think it was calculated that way.