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A resolute way out of our funk: SEATTLE POST EDITORIAL BOARD

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jbfam4 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-01-04 10:47 AM
Original message
A resolute way out of our funk: SEATTLE POST EDITORIAL BOARD
Thursday, January 1, 2004

A resolute way out of our funk


It's a new year. Time for editorial pages to dole out admonitions, instructions and resolutions to those perceived to reside in the halls of power -- politicians and the captains of industry and organized labor. But this seems a good year to urge to action those who truly should hold the power in the country: you.

It feels as if the country is stumbling out of a funk. Although we remain at terror alert level orange, whatever that means, we've gotten a handle on our fear. Panic is passé. While we realize that last night's year-end revelry might have been accompanied by renewed terrorism, the 9/11 cloud has lightened, illuminated by perspective and context.

We're still in a war to which many of us object, but the capture of Saddam Hussein has offered a glimmer of success and strengthened our resolve to reel in the far bigger fish, Osama bin Laden.

We now rely on you to make the best of this fresh new year. It's been too easy the past year or so to pull the covers over one's head and hold serious doubt about the ability of one individual to make a difference for the better.

The election reminds us of the responsibilities and rewards of self-governance. Let's learn the issues, follow the legislation, monitor the process in the press, the media and on-line. We live in an era of unprecedented access to government information. Let's meet and challenge the candidates. From the president to the Congress to the Legislature and local government, each of us has a say, and no one has more than one vote. The only losers are those who throw away their chance to vote.

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aquart Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-01-04 11:27 AM
Response to Original message
1. "A glimmer of success"??????????????????????
Success is an Orange Alert? Planes refused the right to land?

Panic may be passe in Seattle, but it's still the principle weapon in the Bush arsenal against the American people.

How on God's green and damaged earth is the capture of two almighty assholes going to change anything? Are terrorists a finite number? If you step on two cockroaches does that make a difference? No, as long as BushCo policies are in effect(and longer, because the damage to our reputation and resources is incalculable) there will be no success in the United States or its outlying wannabe empire.

And this feelgood editorial is nothing but lipstick on a pig.

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Skittles Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-01-04 12:46 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. I agree
and we are not "stumbling out of a funk". America is sinking FAST.
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