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Global Eye -- Head Master

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acmavm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-01-04 01:25 PM
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Global Eye -- Head Master

By Chris Floyd


OK, we admit it: we were wrong. The big news that shook the world last week has finally convinced your humble correspondent to wolf down a huge plate of crow tartare and confess the error of his ways. Like the worst kind of partisan hack, the Eye completely swallowed the liberal media line on this all-important issue, and our blind zealotry led us to launch a series of savage -- but unjustified -- attacks on American leaders trying their best to defend the country against a remorseless, treacherous enemy who hates everything the nation stands for: its laws, its liberties, its most noble traditions.


Thus our apologies for the imprecations we heaped upon those senatorial heads. Surely it's too much to expect the second-rate backslappers and bribetakers who make up the majority of any political party to stand firm against such an onslaught of radical deceit. And even for the most astute and honorable legislator, it would be hard to believe -- harder still to accept -- that the leader of your country would lie so completely, so shamelessly, especially to advance a cause so criminal and murderous in nature: a war of aggression, based on false evidence, leading to the unnecessary deaths of thousands upon thousands of innocent people.

But he did lie. Bush is steeped so far in lies and blood that his very grasp of reality has been effaced. This was evident in the rare TV interview he gave last week. Asked why he had claimed Saddam's possession of WMD was a "hard fact" when the intelligence showed nothing of the sort, when it was obvious now that Saddam had, at most, only the possible intent to acquire them again someday, Bush replied, with bone-chilling moral incoherence: "So what's the difference?"

Does anyone know who Chris Floyd is? His column, Global Eye, is one of the columns I check for frequently because he pulls no punches and tells it just exactly like it is (to borrow some trite phrases from the 70s).
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priller Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-01-04 04:23 PM
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1. I know nothing about him
or how he came to write for the Moscow Times. But, like you, I thoroughly enjoy his writing.
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Nancy Waterman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-01-04 05:39 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Chris Floyd is terrific.
"bone chilling moral incoherence" Magnificent!!
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