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Nine hundred and Eleven Missing Pieces

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Aries Donating Member (544 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-01-04 05:30 PM
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Nine hundred and Eleven Missing Pieces
Nine hundred and Eleven Missing Pieces
What don’t we know, and why don’t we know it?

by Alan Cabal

The Southern Solstice has passed, and with it the deadline for 9/11 families to file their claims with the "Feinberg Fund," as it has come to be known. Of an official death toll of 2976, claims have been filed by for 2,851. The claim involves signing off on any future litigation against the government, the airlines, the airports or any security firms.

One hundred and twenty-five claims remain outstanding, but little has been written about any of these families. Where is the coverage of those insisting on finding out what really happened on that day before they sign away their "claims?"

First to stand up were five widows: Kristen Breitweiser, Patty Casazza, Mindy Kleinberg and Lorie van Auken. Breitweiser’s husband was killed in his office at Fiduciary Trust on the 94th floor of the South Tower, while Casazza, Kleinberg and van Auken are Cantor-Fitzgerald widows. They began lobbying for answers early in 2002, navigating the labyrinth of American bureaucracy and hammering the bureaucrats for direct answers to direct questions. In September 2002, Breitweiser testified at the first televised public hearing before the Joint Intelligence Committee Inquiry (JICI) in DC.

Like many others, she wanted to know why, on May 16, 2002, National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice stated that she didn’t "think anybody could have predicted that these people would take an airplane and slam it into the World Trade Center… That they would try to use an airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplane as a missile."

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rfranklin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-01-04 05:39 PM
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1. This should be hammered home again and again...
The Bush bastards have lied again and again and now they're laughing about it, i.e., Bush asking "what's the difference?" when asked about WMDs that he lied about. But it all goes back to the lies about 9/11. The ignorant bliss of the American public is based on the fairy tales they told about 9/11 that they created. Please, Jesus, show them the error of they ways and have your Father smite them too!
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Aries Donating Member (544 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-01-04 08:15 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Most people don't want to believe we are being lied to...
They want to believe that those in authority are looking out for them, when in 99% of the time they are looking out for THEMSELVES.

I talked to a long-time Democrat yesterday who said she couldn't believe Howard Dean was "suggesting Bush allowed 9/11 to happen". I told her #1) that's not what Dean said, that's the right-wing media spin of what he said. He actually said we don't really know what happened, because of the administration's stonewalling, and I told her that #2) Bush is probably not making these decisions, but that someone like Cheney very well might be, as evidenced by #3) the fact that Bush read to an elementary school class for 15 minutes after the planes hit the towers,* exposed to who knows what risk from terrorist attack, but Cheney was hustled out of the White House immediately.

Then she said, "And where has Dick Cheney been since...?"
So there is always hope.

* So why, at 9:03 a.m. - fifteen minutes after it was clear the United States was under terrorist attack - did President Bush sit down with a classroom of second-graders and begin a 20-minute pre-planned photo op? No one knows the answer to that question. In fact, no one has even asked Bush about it.
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