The liked it so much I got a call from the editor in chief asking for a re-edit for space considerations (it was a little large. Over 500 words and really nasty.)
This is the re-edited version:
To the Editors:
I read with disgust Michael Reagan’s little “jewel” of 12/28/03. Just what are you thinking?
It’s bad enough that if you want any local news that you must subscribe to the Times Herald as Port Huron is too small to support two newspapers, but must you be so utterly insensitive to the problems of the community that you publish that drivel?
His saccharine tale of life on his father’s Malibu Horse Ranch with the “rich boy gets pony” ending belonged with Michael Jackson stories, not the opinions.
Read your own paper. You’ll see homelessness in Port Huron up 25% and new shelters and soup kitchens for homeless families, new plant closings and the decline of Downtown. There is no room for the “Happy Stories of the Rich and Clueless.”
Your Hit Parade of opinion columnists features: · The rants of a college freshman on morality and life with no experience in either, · The meandering of an retired accountant repeating exposed lies of the administration as truths, · Right Wing Pundits denouncing anyone not of their exact politics, · Local Right Wingers, with no check on their "facts” because it’s their “opinon.”
Where’s a liberal columnist for balance? Molly Ivins is part of the same syndicate as Michelle Malkin; she’s never in your opinions. James Hightower writes witty opinions; I never see his material.
Michigan voted Democratic for president in the last three elections. If there’s just an even split between liberals and conservatives in this area; if you were more even handed you could even increase your circulation.
As far as Michael Reagan’s cute little “I got my PONY!” story, it fell on deaf ears in my house. We are much too busy trying to pay for healthcare and keeping our jobs.
End Editorial.
This might make Gannett over the Midwest: he said he was going to submit it, but he wasn't sure.
Gloat Gloat Gloat!