Imagine if the cockpits of airplanes were completely sealed off-couldn't be opened at all.
The notion that the government needs to know all about you (CAPPS II) before letting you board a plane would dissipate. ----------------- letter to the editor today's NY TIMES
Re "2 More Flights Are Called Off After Warnings" (front page, Jan. 2): As long as passengers have access to cockpits, we will face the threat of hijacking, to say nothing of inconveniences and delays. The only reliable way to end the hijacking threat is to seal the cockpit. The obvious safety of that solution is surely worth the cost.
It's nice to see the smiling face of a captain when he wanders into the cabin on a long overseas flight, but seeing an impenetrable piece of steel would be even more satisfying.
BILL DAWERS Savannah, Ga., Jan. 2, 2004