What we can and must doBy Bev Conover
Online Journal Editor & PublisherJanuary 5, 2004—People constantly ask us for solutions to the nightmare we find ourselves in, as if we could wave a magic wand and make it disappear. There is no magic wand. There is only resolve, commitment, risk and hard work.
Collectively, we the people hold the power. But holding the power means nothing if you don't exercise it and it is the exercising of it that the Bush regime and the corporations are bent on preventing you from doing. And by not exercising it, you not only are acquiescing in your own enslavement, but in whatever evil they are bent on perpetrating.
We have a bogus president who used bogus attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon to declare a bogus war on terrorism, and who has rained down death and destruction on two sovereign nations—Afghanistan and Iraq—for bogus reasons. If you let him, his corporate cohorts or even his possible replacement get away with this, they will rain death and destruction down on us and more sovereign nations for more bogus reasons.
http://www.onlinejournal.com/Commentary/010504Conover/010504conover.htmlThis article includes 8 fairly specific things that We The People can do to avert impending disaster, and was strongly recommended by Mike Malloy on his Monday night show.