OK, here’s an equation for Brooks:
David Brooks=boob
The history of the neo-cons goes way back, and not all neo-cons are jewish. Of course, he knows this and chooses to ignore it.
The movement, and the term “neo-con” goes back to WWII, if I correctly recall a book that I read some months ago. It is not a term recently developed and is NOT a term applied to Jewish conservatives alone.
The neo-cons (who give me the heeby-jeebies) once had the name “anti-communist liberals” (liberals! GASP!). Some of them were jewish, some of them were not. Many seem to have been belched out of Columbia (a college in New York?). They got panicky when black students starting protesting for civil rights at the school back in the 1960s.
Anyway, in the olden days when they were liberals (GASP!), the neo-cons were a part of a group of leftists/liberals called “the great center” (or something) right around World War II. In this timeframe, the left was comprised of 3 major factions: progressives, the neo-cons (then just simply “liberals”) and communists/socialists. This coalition of leftists help keep the democrats in power for so many years.
During the waning days of WWII, certain nut jobs in the US government snuck nazi bastards into our country, with the “hope” of building our country’s secret police (aka the CIA). The nazis were great at setting up secret police units, and also at terrorizing and butchering the common folk. And they were also good at assassinations (night of the long knives) Some nut jobs in the CIA wanted to put Nazi knowledge to use and who better to learn from than the experts, the Nazi bastards from Hitler’s fatherland itself.
Anyway, the Nazis were surely evil assholes, but they weren’t stupid. The Nazis bastards realized they could plant the seeds of their Fascist ideology in the United States, and keep fighting the Soviets from here. So, the nazi nut jobs worked with the US government nut jobs to set up the cold war and whip up the red scare. It was good for business (ala United Fruit Co.), you know.
Apparently, the neo-cons bought into the anti-communism hysteria coming from the nazi nut jobs and their nut job sponsors in the US government. (Could this be an example of neo-cons not being able to think for themselves? Could they have some sort of natural proclivity to be gullible? Could this tendency to be gullible be exploited by their glorious leader, Smirky? But, I digress.)
So, the anti-communist liberals (the modern day neo-cons) bought into the Dulles brother’s bullshit and throughout the cold war, the neo-cons considered themselves staunch anti-communists, but also still considered themselves liberals. Then, for reasons that escape me, they go completely crazy and devolve into their conservative (fascist? imperialist?) views. The factions that made up the left/the democratic party (the great middle, or whatever it was called) crumbled when the anti-communist liberals fully lost their collective minds and went crazy-ass Republican on us. Also, the killings of the leaders who were really liberal "helped."
The nazi bastards that were snuck into America after the war also continued to recruit republicans, recall Poppy Bush’s ’88 campaign. (But again, I digress.)
The term “new conservative” was applied to what were once called anti-communist liberals. This label was intended as a slam--they claimed to be liberals, but were acting like conservatives, so the denigrating term “new conservative” was applied to them. At some point, the label new-conservative switches to neo-conservative. Being Jewish had nothing to do with the switch to neo, and Mr. Brooks surely knows this. Perhaps he had a case of the vapors or a fever when he wrote this?
There are plenty of non-Jewish neo-cons. The following people were/are considered to share in the collective neo-con insanity:
Jeane Kirkpatrick (a nut job who worked at the UN for Ronnie Raygun) is a neo-con. She devoured Nicaragua for lunch one day, and I don’t think she’s jewish.
If I recall correctly, Elliott Abrams is also pegged as a neo-con (He could be jewish, I dunno. But I am pretty sure he performed many ILLEGAL acts in the Iran-Contra dealings. Why that asshole isn’t in JAIL is beyond me. Instead, the Bushies put him in a position of power. God Bless America.)
Democratic senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan (SP?) hung out with the neo-cons, but I read that he eventually pulled away from the group, because their anti-commie hysteria became unbearable. He (D.P.M.) wasn’t jewish, was he?
Once again, there are many neo-cons who are not jewish. Brooks is incorrect when he implies neo=jewish. And he should know better. Wait! I’ll bet he does know better, the little stinker.
As for me, I don’t really like the term neo-con. I think “crazy-ass right-wing mo-fos” is a better label.
(Forgive me if I make a few errors in my recollection of the neo-con history book (circa 1991) that I read. Unlike Mr. Brooks, I am not a fancy, high paid columnist for the NYT or anything. Nope I'm just a working girl, who reads, and who is also, according to Brooks, "unhinged.")