He is really living in fantasy land. He's probably hitting the oxycotin with Rush again. Oh that's right, I forgot, none of these folks even know each other. Yeah, sure whatever you say David.
http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2004/01/06/1073268035178.htmlHow the 'neo-cons' are taking over the world - or not
January 7, 2004
Do you ever get the sense the whole world is becoming unhinged from reality? I started feeling that way a while ago, when I was still working for The Weekly Standard and all these articles began appearing about how Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Doug Feith, Bill Kristol and a bunch of "neo-conservatives" at the magazine had taken over US foreign policy.
Theories about the tightly knit neo-con cabal came in waves. One day you read that neo-cons were pushing plans to finish off Iraq and move into Syria. Websites appeared detailing neo-con conspiracies; my favourite described a neo-con outing organised by Dick Cheney to hunt for humans.
The full-mooners fixated on a think tank called the Project for the New American Century, which has a staff of five and issues memos on foreign policy. To hear these people describe it, it is sort of a Yiddish Trilateral Commission, the nexus of the sprawling neo-con tentacles.
The ones outside government have almost no contact with President George Bush. There have been hundreds of references, for example, to the insidious power of Richard Perle, chairman of the Defence Policy Board, over Administration policy, but I've been told by senior Administration officials that he has had no significant meetings with Bush or Cheney since they assumed office. If he's shaping their decisions, he must be microwaving his ideas into their fillings.