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Bernard Weiner: A Quick Pat on the Back -- Now Into the '04 Trenches

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Dudley_DUright Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-06-04 07:26 PM
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Bernard Weiner: A Quick Pat on the Back -- Now Into the '04 Trenches
Pats go to DUers Will Pitt, Bev Harris, and Plaid Adder, among others.

This year's general-election campaign is going to be a hellacious struggle: Bush will have nearly a quarter-billion dollars to work with, and already the big propaganda and dirty-trick guns are being primed by the Rovian forces in the GOP.

If Bush is defeated in November, we will have released the stranglehold of the far-right on the institutions of power, and can begin trying to undo the horrific damage carried out in the country and across the globe by the Bush&Co. neo-cons. If we lose, our country risks getting locked down in martial-law mode, and an imperial America will march on to Damascus and Tehran and other capitals, our young men and women in uniform turned into 21st Century Roman Legionnaires.

As we don our political armor and head out into the electoral trenches, it might be useful to survey our own strengths, so that we remain cognizant of how far we've come and how much momentum we are bringing into the presidential campaign. Consider where the liberal/progressive forces were in January of 2003 and where we are today, one year later.


Some of the most trenchant, hard-hitting reporting and analysis comes, as it usually does, from the alternative media -- on the radio (Amy Goodman at Democracy Now, Pacifica Network, Free Speech Radio and numerous talk-show hosts around the country), and on the best progressive websites on the internet: writers such as John W. Dean, William Rivers Pitt, Michelle Goldberg, Cheryl Seal, Jonathan Turley, Greg Palast, Maureen Farrell, Jim Lobe, Lynn Landes, Geov Parrish, Jason Leopold, Jim Lobe, Noam Chomsky, Bev Harris, Elaine Cassel, Jennifer Van Bergen, Joshua Micah Marshall, Plaid Adder, Ernest Partridge, Karen Kwaitkowski, et al. If you're not familiar with the websites that publish these and other such authors, see The Dissenting Internet list on The Crisis Papers.

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papau Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-06-04 07:28 PM
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1. thanks for the link - and the article!
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