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The Access of Evil - Heller Mountain

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reprehensor Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-07-04 05:03 PM
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The Access of Evil - Heller Mountain

With Iraq more or less out of the way, the boys from PNAC are very likely plotting their next takeover. Iran, with its vast oil wealth, seems to be a safe bet. After all, Iran is also on the infamous "axis of evil" list, along with North Korea and what is left of Saddam Hussein's former country. All of this ignores the chiefs of nuclear proliferation, which reside in Pakistan.

While Iraq was never proven to have given much, if any, support to terrorist groups like al-Qaida, Pakistan was the birthplace of the Taliban, which butchered its way into power in Afghanistan and then set the wheels of 9/11 in motion by providing a safe haven for Osama bin Laden and his terrorist crew. However, Pakistan has received substantial rewards for being our "ally in the war on terror", simply for allowing U.S. military bases on its soil, and for allegedly cracking down on fanatics and extremists.

Disarming North Korea, of course, is a pipe dream. The U.S. is wasting an awful lot of time trying to coax the DPRK to the negotiating table, even offering the Communists a non-aggression pact, to get them to slow down their nuclear ambitions. Another war on the Korean peninsula would be a wholesale bloodbath, which we are currently unable to undertake due to the massive military obligations we face in Iraq. That would be fine, except that every single reason the Bush administration offered to the American people, who finance these things, turned out to be untrue.

Pakistan, we all know, was the source of North Korea's enriched-uranium program that netted them an unknown quantity of nuclear bombs. Pakistan is also the source of Iran's deadly technology, although the Russians are certainly more involved than anyone wants to let on. And today it was revealed, with little or no surprise attached, that Pakistan has been giving nuclear centrifuge technology to Libya.
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sallyseven Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-07-04 05:20 PM
Response to Original message
1. Did you catch Pearle
and Frum today on the today show? Those are too scary people. We are going to be at war for the next 10 years. No change in president if that happens. NBC Today Show today. They have a book out An End to Evil. They should know.
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reprehensor Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-07-04 05:24 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Tell all your friends.
Most Americans still think that PNAC is just another conspiracy theory, it's a conspiracy alright, but it's not a theory. Most of the major PNAC players are pulling the strings of US Foreign Policy, right now.

It's all about Imperialist ambition. Totally Un-American.
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