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The Rampaging Rapist

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populist101 Donating Member (27 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-22-07 04:42 PM
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The Rampaging Rapist
Ask any law enforcement officer what their most vivid memories are and you will notice their eyes clouding over as they begin entering a world consisting mainly of sweeping recollections of bizarre personal encounters with individuals ranging from the nicest to the vilest. The twisted journey that they were just asked to take is not the place that they want to remain for long because it will only further the deterioration of trust that one already has in their fellow man more quickly.

No one needs that process to be hurried along, do they?

It is a sad moment when the realization strikes you that those that you were told that you could trust have become more untrustworthy than your most feared enemy. They are much more dangerous than your enemy because they stand face to face with you, smiling and shaking your hand, telling you how great a sacrifice you are making for your country, corporation, or organization, while you clearly see evidence all around to the contrary. How long do you think the upbeat charade can continue while everything that you are being told is fine is crumbling and collapsing like a card castle in the wind?

Please tell me again what exactly is the sacrifice that I am making and who is benefiting from it the most? I really need to know so that I can remain focused on the mission.

During my law enforcement days, we began having a string of rapes on our military installation and in the surrounding community. The perpetrator was extremely intelligent but incredibly twisted. He patiently selected his victims and watched them carefully. He knew when their husbands would be at work or deployed for training or on a mission. He would always choose women with children and threaten physical harm against them unless the woman complied with his demands. His method of operation was always to tuck in his victim and kiss her on the forehead after the rape, with specific instructions to lock the door after he left so no one else like him could come in and hurt her. A real twisted creep.

He had a working knowledge of both ours and the local civilian law enforcement response tactics and greatly used them to his favor. Once he evaded capture by utilizing classified information that only we were suppose to know. He knew that our canine units would have to cease chasing him by threatening to bomb aircraft at coordinates that only a few individuals were privy to. The blood hound handlers had even commented that he was giving off a confusing scent that was unlike a normal person who should be experiencing fear when pursued. This man was a very real threat to the security of our area and I remember how great a personal responsibility I carried for that community and their safety during the investigation. I was willing to work the long hours and whatever else was necessary to bring him to justice.

We began having intelligence meetings to discuss found evidence and possible strategies to bring this public danger to an end. Eventually our long efforts paid off and he was arrested. Mission accomplished and kudos to all involved.

When I think back on that incident now, I think about how upset I would have been if I would have discovered that our Base Commander had had anything to do with those crimes. What if I would have discovered that he intentionally placed that rapist in the local area because he felt that his military law officers and the local cops needed the experience? Or what if I discovered that our commander was being financially compensated by the weapon makers of the weapons that we used during our investigations? Or by the gas and oil companies that supplied our endeavors? The longer and more intense the investigation of this perpetrator went on, the more financially rewarding to the overseer.

Heaven forbid that scenario be true; what would you say to the women that were raped? What about the cops injured or killed while chasing this criminal madman? What part did they play in the mission? Were they just the casualties of a criminal rapist or were they the real victims of a plot by a base commander, a member of the intellectual elite, who feeds his ravenous hunger for gain with the blood of those that find it unfathomable that their leader would ever think of misleading them or bringing harm to them. To those that possess a great trusting mentality of leadership, the thought is too evil to imagine. They would rank that action as comparable to the evil of being abused by their dad or priest.

On the other hand, those that have suffered the brutal abuse by those in authority know only too well how effectively those actions can be covered up. People do not like to believe that monstrous actions like that could ever exist but when they are forced to confront that level of evil face to face for the first time they find that something dark begins to eat away at their soul.

Then I came upon this chilling quote from Hermann Goering, who was one of the important leaders of the Nazi Party and one of the primary architects of the Nazi Police State in Germany, "Naturally the common people don't want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country."

Of course, it is impossible to imagine that any one who has ever enjoyed the freedoms of our nation would ever attempt to deliberately rape and destroy it and its great people for personal gain ... or would they?

Please tell me that that is true and none of our intellectual elites share in this disturbing mentality?

By the way, you will have to keep a straight face when you answer me or else I won't believe you.

by Keith Simerson <click here for more articles>, who is a self-employed foundryman and sculptor as well as an Air Force veteran in the security field.
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