I've had a day now to digest the impact of Bush's proposal to open our borders to Mexican workers and give blanket amnesty to millions of illegal aliens already here. My first concern is, why hasn't anyone recognized the failed government of Vicente Fox? Why hasn't attention been paid to how he has failed to improve economic conditions and basic human services in Mexico? His government has become an enabler of illegal immigration. If conditions in Mexico, which continues to show negative economic growth month after month, were even slightly improved, Mexican citizens could hope for a future there and would not rush to find work and basic social services so badly lacking in Mexico.
My second concern is the continued exporting of our capital, technology, and highly skilled technology jobs by exploiting L1 and H1B visa programs. MILLIONS of highly skilled AMERICAN workers have lost their jobs to cheap labor immigrating here on L1 and H1B visas, and even though the companies hiring them are paying them up to 75% LESS than the Americans before them, the money they earn is LEAVING the country and not being plowed back into OUR economy. What is going to happen to the skilled work force when they are forced to work at MacJobs or Wal-Mart because American companies choose to use immigrants with no ties or loyalty to the United States? Will their children want to follow in their footsteps and spend years in college training for jobs that won't be there? Will they soon become members of the working poor rather than members of the middle class, the largest 'class' in this country, which also spends the most, votes the most, and to this point has been able to pay for the services necessary to provide for their families. How soon before they become members of the class depending on the government for their health needs, housing needs, and supplemental food needs?
My third concern is the companies who are slowly strangling the middle class and America. These are some of the largest members of the NY Stock Exchange and NASDAQ. These are also the same companies who are exporting our manufacturing and service jobs to cheap labor markets, while failing to consider that their LARGEST consumer base for their products lies here in the United States. All you have to do is read the names of the members of these exchanges and you have discovered the crux of the problem. America used to be the manufacturing powerhouse of the world. Now, less than 20% of our workforce is involved in manufacturing, mostly in automotive, aircraft, and the military industries (including cars, trucks, farm equipment, military vehicles, weapons, military and commercial aircraft and parts for all of these). The rest of our manufacturing base is gone, spread throughout China, the Far East, and South America. We have become TOTALLY DEPENDENT on foreign interests not only for daily consumer goods, but goods for industry and small business. Even if you remove energy imports from the balance of trade, our deficits continue to grow monthly without any hope of ever being balanced. Since 1992 (source was OBM) we haven't had ONE SINGLE MONTH where we had a trade surplus, not one. If this continued reliance on foreign interests simply to obtain the cheapest price continues, there will be NO ONE to buy these goods, because when you are poverty stricken, the low price on a microwave means nothing if you have no food to put in it.
My fourth concern is giving blanket amnesty to the TENS OF MILLIONS of illegal aliens here now. Once you grant them legal status, the burden on our social services will grow exponentially. We can BARELY take care of our own in this country, and now we're going to add millions more who will benefit from health, education, and welfare services strained to the max? What happened to the rule of law? What happened to America first? What happened to the meaning of Citizenship? What happened to pride in America? Should we just open our borders to all so that the person willing to work for the least amount of money get the jobs? Do we really want to become a Third World nation after hundreds of years of struggling to be the best, most powerful, and economically strong nation in the world? I for one do not want that to happen. And the excuse that "they perform jobs Americans won't" is pure crap. The REASON they have employment is because those who employ them DON'T want to pay an AMERICAN a living wage, and don't want to be burdened with payroll tax, benefits, health insurance, and all the other responsibilities that come with running a business. If you want to discourage illegal immigration, FINE AND PROSECUTE employers who hire illegal workers. Then that business will have to rethink its business model and will be forced to hire Americans. Anyone who thinks it's OK to hire illegal aliens doesn't deserve the opportunities or wealth this country offers to those who work hard and make this country what it is.
My last concern is President Bush's plan as presented. One, who will monitor the new immigrants? I guarantee a new layer of government will HAVE to be created to watch those who come in. Two, what will prevent ANY employer in this country from laying off their workforce and then 'sponsoring' immigrants to come work on a 'temporary' basis for the lowest possible wage without benefits or protections? ANYONE who thinks that won't happen is still tripping on the acid they took in the sixties. And the fastest growth industry will be "JOB BROKERS" to find employers who will 'sponsor' immigrants to work for them. This is not a theory, this will happen. If we just enforced our immigration laws, this discussion wouldn't be necessary.
This should not be an issue of which group will vote for which party by pandering to them, this should be an issue of the survival of America as we know it. These problems I see are not Republican, Democratic, or Libertarian problems, these are AMERICAN problems, and if we don't address them soon, this won't be America anymore, it will be the United States of Cheap; cheap products, cheap labor, cheap prices, and cheap freedom.