:tinfoilhat: on and tight...
We all know about Bush's apparent interest in Mars, obviously
first going back to the Moon and then Mars...
Well, anyways...I found this little (major...) :tinfoilhat: article.
I find it very interesting that it was written BEFORE the major media
outlets even mentioned shrub's future announcement...
http://www.goroadachi.com/etemenanki/#010704With this model in mind, the latest Mars picture would represent evidence that the 'game' - the deception - may be still continuing. Now let us recall the recent failure of the European Beagle 2 lander deployed by Mars Express, scheduled to land on Christmas Day. Beagle 2 would have been the first non-NASA probe to successfully land on the Red Planet and it would have given us first non-NASA pictures of Mars as seen from the surface. IF, there was/is a NASA conspiracy to keep the true color of Mars secret from the general public, then Beagle 2 represented a big threat to those behind the conspiracy for obvious reasons. This context makes us wonder about the true nature of the failure of the European lander, doesn't it?
But there is potentially an additional twist to the current situation - because the situation of the 'timetable' has likely changed at this time. In other words, it is now desired that the general public wants to go to Mars. As discussed repeatedly here on Etemenanki before, the 'endgame' now unfolding has much to do with man's invasion of the Red Planet, as indicated also by the global Time River system (marking the 21st century as the 'end of history' associated with Mars where the timeline of human civilization jumps/splits).
And even the neo-conservative agenda is heavily intertwined here... because in addition to their preemptive policy designed to remake the geopolitical landscape of the Middle East in order to maintain American supremacy, help Israel, get their hands on more oil, and create a global 'Pax Americana' empire, the neo-cons' agenda calls for American domination of space... militarily. The neo-con chickenhawk cult, which includes prominent figures in the Bush administration like Wolfowitz, Perle, Feith, Libby, Rumsfeld, etc., championed by Vice President Dick Cheney, want to militarize space.
This then brings us to the curious behind-the-scenes activities of Cheney who reportedly pushed for the release of Cydonia pictures some time ago, apparently for people like Hoagland and his followers. Why would he do this? The emerging theory is that the Cheney/neocon camp is trying to use the Cydonia issue (i.e. 'Face on Mars' etc.) as part of their covert propaganda campaign to generate public interest in going to Mars... and outer space in general. The catch here is of course that the neocon agenda is not about exploration, but exploitation and militarization. They want the US to go to outer space so that they can put weapons there - a big step toward the global domination of the US (New World Order) which would be by then resembling a fascist police state.OK...have fun :D