, domestic terrorists. In all of the hubbub, I'd almost forgotten about them. So had most Americans. But they never went away. Like centipedes emerging from under rocks after a long winter, American militias are once again peeking out from grottoes in Texas and New Jersey.
Though pleased by the upsurge in xenophobia after Sept. 11, the brotherhood of racist militias was embarrassed to have been upstaged on the domestic front by 19 foreigners. Prior to Mohamed Atta and his air pirates, Timothy McVeigh was the heavyweight champion of terrorism here.
Once again, dark-skinned people had displaced a hard-working white man in the pantheon of American fear. Still, domestic terrorists can take pride in McVeigh's accomplishment. After all, he buried 168 souls under the rubble of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building on April 19, 1995, all by himself.
McVeigh's place among the front ranks of individual terrorists with a high body count on American soil remains second to none nearly three years after his execution. By contrast, the terrorists who flew planes into a Somerset County field, the World Trade Center and the Pentagon have to divvy credit for 3,000 murders 19 ways.