By Arlene Peck www.arlenepeck.com
Let me see if I understand it right. If Israel dares mention that they have a cancer in the country called terrorists that they would like to cut out, the world is outraged. The "Zionist Entity" is called "Nazi" and the United Nations is sure to have emergency meetings to protest Israel's right to even exist. However, a recent article in the Los Angeles Times, a paper incidentally which strives to promote anti-Semitism and "anti-Zionism, at every turn, had an extensive column with the heading, "Bush to Frame Migrant Policy"
Apparently our president has presented to Congress "expected changes in immigration laws this week "including an expanded guest worker program and the opportunity, for millions of undocumented workers to get green cards".
"Guest worker program?" Funny, the difference mere semantics make. I look upon them as undocumented migrants who entered our country in violation of our laws and are nothing more than on-going criminals and a danger to our country.
Moreover millions of illegal people pouring into our borders as potential terrorists to our country are for sure a drain on our state facilities. Oh, and higher taxes for those of us who pay them.
As I write this, there are between eight to eleven million illegal immigrants in the United States. ELEVEN MILLION! About 60% percent of them are from Mexico with more pouring over the border every day into my bankrupt state of California where these 'new residents' have learned to apply and receive support, health care and schools for their many children. But, hey, there is an election year coming up and look how many votes this new plan could garner for President Bush.
Gee, do you think that Laura Bush and her family's proud Mexican heritage could have been a motivator for the warm and fuzzy treatment of Mexico that its 'guest' continues to receive in the USA? Of course Daddy Bush and his love affair with the Saudi Arabian royal family might have been, and continue to be instrumental in the flow of 'students' from many of those Islamic countries into our welcoming shores. Opps, and lets not forget good old Colin Powell's ability to deliver Arab oil to Exxon and all those other happy Texas oil companies.
In the meanwhile, our homeland security keeps our country at "high alert" because of the immediate threat from terrorists coming into our country. And yet Donald Rumsfeld continues to give press conferences about how we must fight global terrorism. I'm confused. Does that mean if these illegal 'guest' to our country come into our country from our good neighbor to the south, Mexico, then accepting millions of them is OK?
Gee, do you think that kind of thinking might be the basis of the world getting on Israel's case about "collective punishment" when they sometimes find the gumption, or is that pressure, to open the gates to Gaza and Ramalla and let thousands of terrorists in under the guise of "workers" into Israel?
Now, I know that we, in California, have a big fence, (between California and Mexico) And, from what I hear, it's getting bigger every day. And, I'll bet that a lot of you don't know that one of the most vocal anti-Semites against the Israeli fence lives behind a massive security fence which encircles the Vatican.
Again, I'm confused as to why the fence that the Jewish State has been forced to build, (and incidentally, seems to be working,) to keep out the bad guys from coming into Israel to murder and maim everyone in sight, is a deterrent to peace in the eyes of our President and State Department. Is the idea of a fence to keep those that don't belong in the country OK for the United States but, not for the defense of Israel? It's outrageous how the double standard between Israel and the rest of the world is accepted when it comes to Jews. Even by her own people. I don't understand it. Truly.
Eleven million! Are any of you old enough to remember the history behind the ship, The St. Louis, aka, the "ship of the dammed". It traveled around the world during the time of World War II? For over a month, these poor Jewish souls, nine hundred of them who managed to get out with the Nazis on their heels, tried to find one country to take them in and relax the immigration laws. Yet, even we, in the benevolent United States could not find room to save them from sudden death and they were forced to return to Germany where most of them perished. Amazing how we now find room for everybody. That is especially if they're not Jewish.
Maybe since President Bush is in such a giving mood, Arafat might want to get his "Palestinians" en mass to Mexico and become "guest" workers in the California social service system? Although last I heard there were a lot of jobs from Americans that need to be filled by the locals that needed to be filled. Do you really think it a good idea to reward criminals who don't deserve citizenship? I wonder if that's the basis of the U.S. middle-east foreign policy on terrorism.
I think it's a great idea to see a 'guest worker' program from "Palestine' and implemented for Washington, D.C. If they're not qualified for the State Department, for sure we could find use for a million or two of these peaceful people in the Post Office! They could give a whole new meaning to the expression, 'going postal.'
Or as our welcoming President says in Texan, Ya'll come!
Arlene Peck is an internationally syndicated columnist and television talk show hostess - Arlene speaks regularly around the country and keeps a packed suitcase ready to GO.
Arlene can be reached at: bestredhead@earthlink.net and www.arlenepeck.com
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