Isn’t 2004 completely different from 1992, when Pat Buchanan campaigned against the President in the Republican primaries and Ross Perot ran as an independent candidate in the general election? That is true by definition, just as each election year can accurately be said to differ from every other. What will make this year "different" is yet to be revealed.
And while Dr. Dean has languished well behind the President in many polls, he isn’t necessarily doing worse than Mr. Clinton did in the early soundings of 1992. In fact, certain surveys show him doing considerably better. A poll taken by CNN and Time magazine between Dec. 30 and Jan. 1 found that when Dr. Dean was matched against Mr. Bush, the latter was ahead by 51 to 46. (Even the certified geniuses probably know that’s only five points, or almost equal to the poll’s four-point margin of error.) If accurate, those numbers place Dr. Dean well within striking distance.
Still, while nobody can yet be sure what will happen on Election Day, there could be a few individuals with access to higher sources. Among those who currently claim such ultimate knowledge is Pat Robertson. After several days spent in prayer, the millionaire preacher told his TV audience on Jan. 2 he had learned that "George Bush is going to win in a walk. I really believe I’m hearing from the Lord it’s going to be like a blowout election in 2004. It’s shaping up that way."
Of course, the Lord usually whispers to the reverend that the Republicans are going to win big. And the Lord has been known to play a practical joke on him from time to time. After all, didn’t the Lord tell Mr. Robertson that he should run for President in 1988?