State of Florida really knows how to hurt a kid. It has money for sports stadiums. It lavishes billions of dollars' worth of tax breaks and other goodies on private corporations. It even has money for a substantial reserve fund. But, in an episode of embarrassing and unnecessary tightfistedness, it has frozen enrollment in a badly needed state health insurance program for low-income children.
Some 60,000 to 70,000 children who are eligible for KidCare, Florida's version of the popular and successful children's health insurance program, have been put on waiting lists. Even kids who already have serious health problems are being placed on the lists, which are lengthening every day. No one knows when — or if — the children will get coverage.
"We've had families tell us they've put off buying groceries so they can afford to take their child to the doctor," said Conni Wells, director of the Florida Institute for Family Involvement, which advises families on health matters.
The institute has alerted officials to the plight of a family in Jacksonville that has three sons who need medical care now. The boys' father had been laid off for a while and during that period the children were covered by Medicaid. Now that the father has resumed working, the children have been bounced off Medicaid but qualify for coverage under KidCare. They're on a waiting list. (The family can't afford private health insurance.)
(Jebbie's spokesman)
And he made a point of noting, "The KidCare program is not an entitlement."