in Iraq seem on a positive trend line, one that every American can hope continues. While deadly attacks against American and coalition forces continue, there appears to be fewer of them since the capture of Saddam Hussein. Organizing the economic and political life of the Iraqi people remains a struggle fraught with problems, but progress is visible.
It is now possible for Americans to see how much better off the Iraqi people are with Saddam Hussein gone and the process underway to create for them a prosperous, democratic state.
That reality is truly gratifying, and it leads some Americans to conclude that the invasion of Iraq has proven itself both justified and worth the price. That conclusion, however, requires a logical leap that is itself unjustified. The outcome of the invasion and the reasons for it have always been separable questions. They need to remain that way.
But the most sacred duty civilians have to their armed forces is to ensure they are never called to sacrifice their lives unless this nation faces a real threat. Bush must be held accountable for Hampton's(female healicopter pilot last week) death. Iraq was the wrong war -- for conservatives, for liberals, for all Americans.