from playwrite gets it about Dean
Howard Dean is a target not because he's the frontrunner but because he is a successful advocate for democracy. The question becomes, is democracy what the American people want? It's said often enough that we are, and proud to be, a democracy. But the fact it needs to be said so often betrays a different reality.
It became clear in 2000 to most of the world and to those here who were paying attention that democracy was a label with limited content. The past three years have proven that this government is of, by and for corporate and secret agendas as well as grave and murky think tanks. Through citizen action led by Howard Dean, that oozing, creeping paradigm is being radically challenged. Radical means going to the root. Saying we want our country back means that we want the truth of America's original mission statement to be reinstated. It says that we want to be reintegrated into the fabric of what we believe about ourselves and what we have broadcast to the world that we are. <SNIP>
Howard is a practical visionary - almost poetic in his commone sense. There is a Yankee universality to him that would turn Air Force One into a necessary even hallowed vehicle as opposed to a scary cargo plane - an executive jet.
Inherent in the word president is the verb preside - to preside over the proceedings and activity of the country. Preside does not preclude leading. Provoke, challenge, inspire and then preside over the debate, the negotiation, the legislation. Howard is attentive and engaged. Thoughts have a chance - ideals have an arena - evolution is given the hope of progress. <SNIP>
An Awesome op ed!