If you aren't a Salon member, get a day pass or whatever it takes, BUT READ THIS COLUMN!!! Huffington absolutely nails it!Former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill's damning book may finally clue Americans in to the deadly consequences of being governed by a disengaged dolt in the hands of a fanatical cabal.- - - - - - - - - - - -
Jan. 14, 2004 | Struggling to reconcile the ever-widening gulf between what the Bush administration claims to be true and what is actually true is getting harder by the day. Scientists at M.I.T. have apparently been having some success using string theory and particle accelerators, but where does that leave the rest of us? Fortunately, Paul O'Neill has a timely, if disturbing, diagnosis, backed up by some 19,000 pages of lab results: The White House is being run by a band of out-and-out fanatics.
On the administration's two defining issues, Iraq and taxes, the former treasury secretary paints a scathing portrait of a cabal of closed-minded zealots steadfastly refusing to allow anything as piddling as fact, evidence or truth to get in the way of its unshakable beliefs and forgone conclusions.
According to O'Neill, invading Iraq was a Bush goal before he had even learned where the office supply closet was. Day 9, to be precise. "It was all about finding a way to do it," he says. "That was the tone of it. The president saying 'Go find me a way to do this.'"
Of course, All the President's Men (and Condi, too!) did just that, gathering a collection of dubious facts, half-truths, quarter-truths, and -- what's become the house specialty -- no-truths, to match the desired outcome. Nigerian yellowcake, anyone?