Senator Kennedy, You Can't Handle the Truth
( Warning.....take blood pressure meds before reading)
by Angela J. Phelps Jan 15, 2004
According to Senator Kennedy, President Bush's worst offense thus far has been in the area of foreign policy. (No brainer there -- although I haven't seen it, I would assume that this is Talking Point #1 in the DNC's playbook.) Kennedy said that the President employed "misguided ideology and distortion of the truth to take the nation to war. In doing so, the President broke the basic bond of trust between government and the people." He went on to say that "If Congress and the American people knew the whole truth, America would never have gone to war."
Besides that minute detail, I assume the Senator is referring to the fact that weapons of mass destruction have not yet been found. But does this make the President a liar and a man who has broken faith with the American people? If that's the case, then the Senator should be making similarly strong statements about President Bill Clinton, and the members of the United Nations, who also believed that Saddam Hussein was working on WMD and was a threat to his neighbors and the world. Just ask the Kuwaitiis.
And speaking of the "truth," let me refresh the Senator's memory of a few facts. The United Nations in 1999 concluded that Saddam Hussein had biological weapons sufficient to produce over 25,000 liters of anthrax, the materials sufficient to produce more than 38,000 liters of botulinum toxin, and the materials to produce as much as 500 tons of sarin, mustard and VX nerve agent. I should have him speak with my friend Dr. Katrin Michael, an Iraqi who still suffers today from the effects of Saddam's environmental "clean air" policy that he issued in June 1987 as he released bombs containing mustard gas and cyanide in the Kurdish region of Northern Iraq.
According to Sen. Kennedy, America's only chance for survival is change here at home -- in the form of removing President Bush from office and replacing him with a Democrat in the Oval Office. In his words, "The election cannot come too soon." But which of the Democratic presidential candidates could save America from the peril that we currently find ourselves in? After all, the economy is in a successful recovery, progress in Iraq is moving along relatively well, and according to the latest CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll, 59 percent of Americans approve of the President's job.
Sen. Kennedy, the next time you want to blow off some steam, please spare us the partisan half-truths and melodrama. If you're really seeking the truth that will save the American people, here it is: President George W. Bush, although not perfect, has proven that he can, in fact, be trusted with the future of the Republic.