Why is Microsoft in this space? Why do you have a Homeland Security office, and what are you doing?
RICHEY: Our No. 1 goal at Microsoft is to help the president, the secretary of Homeland Security, various governors, mayors and county executives achieve all their goals around homeland security. And we feel that we're in a good position to do that because we have a significant presence in the federal government with our technology and in state and local governments, No. 1. So they've made a significant investment in us and in turn we've made a significant investment in their success. And so we share goals along those lines.
Are there any particular Microsoft products that will play a bigger role in this? Or are you making specific versions of the products that are targeted to this community or maybe doing some prepackaged solutions that will target this community?
BYRNE: The things that have caught my attention so far, and let's be clear I just started here and I've been focused on policy and operations, but the use of Web services and .Net and what I've read about and talked to the people here at Microsoft about the concepts of trustworthy computing and applying that to the business of public safety. Reliability takes on new meaning. Security takes on new and more important meaning. These things are important for our businesses in the country, but they really are just as important if not more so when lives are at stake.
http://www.eweek.com/print_article/0,3048,a=116409,00.aspJust when one thinks that MS isn't so bad after all, they pull a stunt like this.