http://www.newsday.com/news/columnists/ny-vpbres153626824jan15,0,44918.column?coll=ny-news-columnistsIn the late afternoon, the freezing wind nearly cut off Christ's bare ankles and feet. When he was killed in Jerusalem, the temperature was in the 60s and sandals were common.
One of the people he loves the most was just carried out on a gurney from a shelter on West 23rd Street. The man on the gurney looked up with a face the color of gray paste. Orange straps kept him on the gurney.
"He's all right," a homeless man from the shelter said. "He just had a seizure." He stood alongside the gurney and smoked a cigarette. The air clawed his face.
Christ slipped out of a pew and followed the other homeless people out of the church. The ushers and cops didn't have the slightest idea who he is, and nobody running the huge church he was leaving knows anything about him, either. They claim they do. They say they pray to him and try to act in his behalf. Last night, he was asked to leave and go out into the cold, just like any of the other homeless.