Eager to hear a former Republican strategist turn on his old mates, about 300 people packed the basement of Elliott Bay Book Company last night, listening and laughing on cue as Kevin Phillips pleased them with dark tales of the Bush family and American political dynasty.
Phillips wrote the 1969 book "The Emerging Republican Majority" and is widely credited with helping craft Richard Nixon's Southern strategy, which moved the party south and west.
More recently, however, in "The Politics of the Rich and Poor" and "Wealth and Democracy," Phillips has attacked the GOP, arguing the party has turned on the middle class with taxes and regulatory policies that benefit the wealthy at the expense of everyone else.
American Dynasty" argues that the current Bush presidency is part of a "continuity of deceit" — a trait going back four generations. It offers a multigenerational history of back-scratching capitalism, arms dealing and close ties to the American intelligence establishment.
Phillips is not shy about his contempt for the Bushes.
"I never cared for Bush," he said of the 41st president.
While many analysts are quick to point out the differences between the two presidents — the younger being more Texan, more evangelical, more ideological — Phillips believes they are in fact enlivened by the same blue blood.
The same pot of money has financed each man's political career. That money, charges Phillips, who said he doesn't support any of the Democratic candidates and doubts any of them can beat Bush, has "corrupted the system."