Who says the South has a patent on Republican religious kooks? Check out this letter to the editor in the Yakima (WA)Herald-Republic:
Published on Wednesday, January 14, 2004
1/14/03 Letters to the Editor
Demos' Bad Path
To the editor — Am I the only one sick and tired of the media's liberal-leaning rhetoric, and so-called news coverage of important issues like Britney Spears and the "Croc Hunter Baby Dangle." All I hear coming from the organizations that are there to keep us informed is coverage of worthless issues and how terrible Bush has handled the country's management.
Local and national news organizations have done their utmost to undermine and damage our national effort to lead the world to a better existence and protect our nation from the U.N. The Democratic Party and its media supporters have become nothing more than parasites trying to sustain themselves off of bad news and the deaths of our brave military men and women.
The coming presidential election will be a national referendum on the legitimacy of our president and his leadership and will result in the death of the current Democratic Party's sickening path of regaining power at any cost. The Democrats will be roundly defeated and their party of socialists destroyed.