Administration All Around (parody; apologies to Maurice Sendak)
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Sun Jan-18-04 03:01 PM
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Administration All Around (parody; apologies to Maurice Sendak) |
We got my daughter a copy of the Nutshell Library for Christmas, and 'Alligators All Around' is one of her favorites. After reading it to her many times and hearing Carole King's musical version, I came up with this.
(P.S. Guess which Adminitration we're talking..)
A - Administration All Around B - Boosting Bush C - Castigating Clinton D - Doubling Deficits E - Enabling Enron F - Funding Fascists G - Gouging Gays H - Helping Hatred I - Incinerating Iraq J - Jobbing Justice K - Kissing up to Klansmen L - Lying Lies M - Masking Malfeasance N - Nullifying News O - Overpricing Oil P - Privatizing Patriotism Q - Quibbling over Quotas R - Recycling Reagan S - Stealing Surpluses T - Trashy Talk Shows U - Undermining Unions V - Vaporizing Votes W - Waging War X - Xenophobia Y - Yelling Yee-Haw Z - Zealousness
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Sun Jan-18-04 04:02 PM
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1. That is great! Do you mind if I copy and paste and send to some of |
my democratic and republican friends? That is great!
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Sun Jan-18-04 04:24 PM
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My close friends are Head Start teachers, they'll love it. Thanks for sharing. :-)
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Wed Mar 12th 2025, 11:52 PM
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